----- Original Message -----
From: "Ted Husted" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > preference.  Therefore I like throwing a ServletException better.  Any
> > pros/cons to either approach?
> The Action is the highest layer, and there is no guarantee that there
> will be a JSP with an error directive.

D'oh.  Yeah, I wasn't really thinking through this fully.  But I still think
throwing a ServletException would give the browser more information although
only really useful for debugging.  Go ahead and morph my class to have the
sendError way.  What is the status of these two base classes now?  Will you,
Ted, refactor the getMethod stuff and commit them?  Or what else is needed
before they are committable?  Also you can go ahead and rearrange the order
of the parameters and put 'key' last in mine to keep it consistent.

I guess that brings up another issue that has probably been brought up
before - extensible logging such that anything logged from a Struts class
would go through a layer that would allow our own logging to be plugged into
it rather than just logging to the server log.  Or is there already a way to
do that?


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