Excuse the ignorance, but how will the multiple-servlet controller 
change the way JSP views work?...
I could possibly imagine a change to the form tag, but that would be it 
wouldn't it?... (yes/no Craig?)

There's been a couple of updates (one is related to the Resin "bug" that 
was just submitted. That was fun) some refactoring of the helper class 
to make it more generally usable for developers wanting to make their 
own nested tags. But it's still working as it should.

ASF can still have it if they want it.
I've finished the primer and a step-by-step tutorial which I want to cap 
off with a little extension to complete the training on the extension 
(always two there are). ASF want them too?...

I still haven't put a spiel out on the user list yet (Tom's done so a 
few times, and I've seen a post on jGuru :).
I'll hold off if it's going to be committed.


Ted Husted wrote:

>Once Craig's implementation of the multi-servlet controller comes out,
>do you think you would have a chance to try and update your nested
>At that point [SHORT TERM PLAN ALERT], I'd like to commit it to the
>nightly build, assuming you would still like to donate it to the ASF. 
>"Tom Klaasen (TeleRelay)" wrote:
>>For the record:
>>I've been playing with Arron's nested tags for a while now, and they
>>seem OK to me. I've had the occasional "what the #$%#@" when something
>>didn't work as I expected, but after thinking about it the reason was
>>obvious. This situation occurs with most struts tags (for me, in any
>>case :P), so they do conform to struts standards ;)

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