The tags use direct values or beans themselves to provide values for 
offsets and such. Would be quite a bit of work to get them all to work 
off bean properties instead, and there's the added decision of telling 
the tag that it is to use the values of properties rather than bean refs 
and values.

The nested tags are the same in this regard, as the rely on the original 
tag to do its thang. When the original tags get the ability, the nested 
tags will get the ability, but of course they'll add the ability to have 
the property relative to the current nested bean level.

You can get around it though, by using the bean define, working on a 
property to get a value into a bean reference, then use the bean name 
for the offsets and such. And of course, when using the nested tags, the 
bean define will be nested, so it's not like it can't be done. The 
define tag can also put beans into whatever scope which is one of the 
things that you're after.


Johan Compagner wrote:

>I really would like to see that i can type nested properties everywhere.
>so every parameter of a tag that can map to a bean in the whatever scope
>should be able to use nested tags..
>So to give an example:
><logic:iterate id="obj" name="listbean.list" scope="request"
>offset="listbean.startCounter" length="listbean.maxRows">
>ofcouse i could also do this in the above example but it is just a case what
>should be possible.
><logic:iterate id="obj" name="listbean" property="list" scope="request"
>offset="listbean.startCounter" length="listbean.maxRows">
>This really cleans up the jsp code and is very readable.
>Or can i use the new nested tags feature for this??
>But this does not work:
><nested:root name="listbean">
> <nested:iterate id="obj" property="list" scope="request"
>offset="startCounter" length="maxRows">
>but that doesn't seem to work.
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