You will still point to an action.
I think a filter (or a possible servlet) should direct to the correct action
using some rules and mappings.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 5:33 PM
Subject: RE: Servlet 2.3 filter

I too did not agree with some of Kevin's reasoning for using Filters in
place of servlets.  To me there's a conceptual problem:  If there's no
servlet what's the endpoint?  You don't link to the filter.  I think
Kevin's suggestion was that the JSP is the endpoint.  I think I prefer
to point to the controller and let him tell me what page to forward to.
But, Craig brings up some really good points.  I like these ideas a lot.
They make Struts a lot more pluggable and flexible.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 11:39 AM
> To: Struts Developers List
> Subject: RE: Servlet 2.3 filter
> On Tue, 2 Apr 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2002 14:33:14 -0600
> > Reply-To: Struts Developers List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: RE: Servlet 2.3 filter
> >
> > Please forgive my ignorance if this is a well-known thing.  
> I went to
> > the Struts BOF and I went to the "Filters can replace 
> Servlets in MVC"
> > BOF.  I see the concept, but I just don't see how filters 
> are "better"
> > than servlets for MVC.  Is there documentation or 
> discussion about this
> > idea somewhere?  I first heard of it at JavaOne.  Is it 
> "pre-supposed"
> > that Struts will someday become filter-based or did I misunderstand
> > that?  I see how filters are a good frontend to MVC to make sure
> > requests don't circumvent your controller, but it doesn't 
> make sense to
> > me that a filter would "be" the controller.  What are the 
> community's
> > thoughts on that?
> This is a really interesting question.
> I finally had a chance to review the slides from Kevin 
> Jones's session on
> Filters (slides for all the sessions are now available in PDF from
> -- this was session 1208).
> I won't claim that I agree with everything Kevin proposes about using
> Filters as a controller in an MVC environment.  In 
> particular, I would not
> consider the "hard to track which servlet is associated with which JSP
> page(s)" issue to be a problem in MVC.  Rather, I consider that
> separation to be (one of) the whole points of MVC -- making 
> the business
> logic and presentation logic as independent of each other as possible.
> That being said, I can see the following general advantages 
> for using a
> Filter as the controller component of Struts:
> * UNIVERSALITY - You can actually guarantee that *all* requests really
>   flow through the controller.  Consider the following scenarios in
>   Struts 1.0 and 1.1:
>   - In the Struts example app, we want to ensure that the 
> user is always
>     logged on, and redirect to the login page if not (a very common
>     requirement in apps that manage their own security).  
> But, in order
>     to accomplish this guarantee, we've got ugly <app:checkLogon> tags
>     on all of the pages, because we can't guarantee that the user will
>     not link directly to a page.
>   - In the multiple application support of Struts 1.1, there 
> is a current
>     restriction that all links *must* flow through the 
> controller in order
>     for the sub-application selection logic to work 
> correctly.  We could
>     get around this by requiring a custom tag on every page again, but
>     that is clearly not optimal.
>   Both of these situations can be elegantly handled by mapping a
>   controller Filter to the "/*" URL pattern, so that it watches every
>   single request.
> * COMPOSABILITY - The current Struts controller logic is very 
> monolithic,
>   and it is hard to customize exactly what the controller 
> does for you.
>   If, instead, we viewed the controller as a series of 
> services that can
>   be included or not (based on application requirements), the 
> application
>   architect has the option to pay for only the services they need.
>   Examples of current Struts services that might well be decomposed:
>   multipart request handling, path->Action mapping, locale selection,
>   role permissions checking, form population and validation, ... plus
>   the fact that it would be easy to add other (perhaps application
>   specific) services that integrate nicely with those 
> provided by Struts.
> * FLEXIBILITY - Another aspect of the monolithic nature of the current
>   controller is that all of it's processing is applied to 
> every request.
>   While that is sort of the idea of MVC :-), there are many 
> cases where
>   you might want different sets of services invoked in 
> different parts of
>   the same app (or in different sub-applications).  We went 
> part-way in
>   this direction in 1.1, by letting you customize the RequestProcessor
>   instance used for each sub-app.  It's much more powerful to 
> allow the
>   application architect to compose the set of services to be applied
>   in a declarative fashion, in web.xml, without having to 
> write any code
>   to manage the overall orchestration.
> * INTEGRATION - Sometimes you want to be able to integrate 
> existing web
>   application functionality, already provided by servlets and/or JSP
>   pages, into a Struts based web app.  Today, you have to write "glue"
>   actions that do forwards to such resources -- with a Filter based
>   controller that front ends things, you can do this more elegantly
>   (even if you can't modify the apps being integrated).
> * WRAPPING - A completely different sort of advantage in 
> using a Filter
>   is the ability (using the Filter APIs) to wrap the request and/or
>   response before handing it on to the next filter (or the 
> servlet that
>   ultimately gets invoked).  This capability lets you do all sorts of
>   interesting things -- just a couple of ideas to whet your appetite:
>   - If you want to do application managed security, but like the idea
>     of role checking and user identification that Struts can 
> use in its
>     decision making process, you could write a request 
> wrapper that fakes
>     the values returned by getRemoteUser(), getUserPrincipal(), and
>     isUserInRole().  NOTE - whatever you do here won't affect security
>     decisions that the container itself makes (such as EJB access
>     permissions), so it's not a panacea.
>   - It's commonly necessary to generate slightly different HTML for
>     different user agents, to deal with the inevitable differences.
>     One approach is to build the knowledge of these differences into
>     every tag that renders HTML.  A different approach would be to
>     generate some agent-neutral rendering of the output in 
> XML, and then
>     apply an agent-specific transformation in a response wrapper.
>   Some of this can be done with a monolithic controller model, but it
>   tends to be easier if the controller is composed of separate filters
>   that you can order as needed.
> The bottom line is that, while there has been no formal 
> decision that a
> future version of Struts would migrate to a Filter based 
> controller, the
> arguments I've listed above seem like fairly compelling 
> advantages.  As
> always, we would strive to minimize any impacts on 
> applications that just
> *use* Struts (i.e. you've just implemented actions and form 
> beans) -- but
> the additional power that could be made available to 
> developers is quite
> impressive.  What do you think?
> > Greg
> >
> Craig
> --
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