husted      2002/07/11 05:02:37

  Modified:    conf/share validator-rules_1_1.dtd
  Add documentation comments.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.2       +181 -17   jakarta-struts/conf/share/validator-rules_1_1.dtd
  Index: validator-rules_1_1.dtd
  RCS file: /home/cvs/jakarta-struts/conf/share/validator-rules_1_1.dtd,v
  retrieving revision 1.1
  retrieving revision 1.2
  diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
  --- validator-rules_1_1.dtd   10 Jul 2002 17:32:58 -0000      1.1
  +++ validator-rules_1_1.dtd   11 Jul 2002 12:02:37 -0000      1.2
  @@ -15,74 +15,238 @@
  +<!-- =================================================== Top Level Elements -->
  +     The "form-validation" element is the root of the configuration file
  +     hierarchy, and contains nested elements for all of the other
  +     configuration settings.
   <!ELEMENT form-validation (global+)>
  +    The elements defined here are all global and must be nested within a
  +    "global" element.
   <!ELEMENT global (validator+)>
  +     The "validator" element defines what validators objects can be used with
  +     the fields referenced by the formset elements. The validator element can
  +     accept 4 properties: name, classname, method, methodparams, msg, depends,
  +     and jsFunctionName.
   <!ELEMENT validator (javascript?)>
  -<!ATTLIST validator name           CDATA #REQUIRED 
  -                    classname      CDATA #REQUIRED 
  -                    method         CDATA #REQUIRED 
  -                    methodParams   CDATA #REQUIRED 
  -                    msg            CDATA #REQUIRED 
  +<!ATTLIST validator name           CDATA #REQUIRED
  +                    classname      CDATA #REQUIRED
  +                    method         CDATA #REQUIRED
  +                    methodParams   CDATA #REQUIRED
  +                    msg            CDATA #REQUIRED
                       depends        CDATA #IMPLIED
                       jsFunctionName CDATA #IMPLIED >
  +     The "javascript" element defines a JavaScript that can be used to perform
  +     client-side validators.
   <!ELEMENT javascript (#PCDATA)>
  -<!-- -->
  +     The "constant" element defines a static value that can be used as
  +     replacement parameters within "field" elements. The "constant-name" and
  +     "constant-value" elements define the constant's reference id and replacement
  +     value.
   <!ELEMENT constant (constant-name, constant-value)>
   <!ELEMENT constant-name  (#PCDATA)>
   <!ELEMENT constant-value (#PCDATA)>
  +      The "formset" element defines a set of forms for a locale. Formsets for
  +      specific locales can override only those fields that change. The
  +      localization is properly scoped, so that a formset can override just the
  +      language, or just the country, or both.
   <!ELEMENT formset (constant*, form+)>
  -<!ATTLIST formset language     CDATA #IMPLIED 
  +<!ATTLIST formset language     CDATA #IMPLIED
                     country      CDATA #IMPLIED >
  +     The "form" element defines a set of fields to be validated. The name
  +     corresponds to the identifer the application assigns to the form. In the
  +     case of the Struts framework, this is the attribute property from
  +     the ActionMapping. Struts also offers the alternative of using the
  +     the path property as the Validator form name.
   <!ELEMENT form    (field+ )>
   <!ATTLIST form    name CDATA #REQUIRED>
  +     The "field" element defines the properties to be validated. In a
  +     web application, a field would also correspond to a control on
  +     a HTML form. To validate the properties, the validator works through
  +     a JavaBean representation, like a Struts ActionForm. The field element
  +     can accept up to 4 attributes:
  +     property        The property on the JavaBean corresponding to this
  +                     field element.
  +     depends         The comma-delimited list of validators to apply against
  +                     this field. For the field to succeed, all the
  +                     validators must succeed.
  +     page            The JavaBean corresponding to this form may include
  +                     a page property. Only fields with a "page" attribute
  +                     value that is equal to or less than the page property
  +                     on the form JavaBean are processed. This is useful when
  +                     using a "wizard" approach to completing a large form,
  +                     to ensure that a page is not skipped.
  +                     [0]
  +     indexedListProperty
  +                     The "indexedListProperty" is the method name that will
  +                     return an array or a Collection used to retrieve the
  +                     list and then loop through the list performing the
  +                     validations for this field.
  +     fieldOrder      [:FIXME: is this still supported?]
   <!ELEMENT field   (msg?, arg0?, arg1?, arg2?, arg3?, var* )>
  -<!ATTLIST field   property CDATA #REQUIRED 
  +<!ATTLIST field   property CDATA #REQUIRED
                     depends  CDATA #IMPLIED
  -                  page     CDATA #IMPLIED 
  +                  page     CDATA #IMPLIED
                     indexedListProperty CDATA #IMPLIED >
  +     The "msg" element defines a custom message key to use when one of the
  +     validators for this field fails. Each validator has a default message
  +     property that is used when a corresonding field msg is not specified.
  +     Each validator applied to a field may have its own msg element.
  +     The msg element accepts up to three attributes.
  +      name        The name of the validator corresponding to this msg.
  +      key         The key that will return the message template from a
  +                  resource bundle.
  +      resource    If set to "false", the key is taken to be a literal
  +                  value rather than a bundle key.
  +                  [true]
   <!ELEMENT msg     EMPTY>
  -<!ATTLIST msg     name     CDATA #IMPLIED 
  +<!ATTLIST msg     name     CDATA #IMPLIED
                     key      CDATA #IMPLIED
                     resource CDATA #IMPLIED >
  +     The "arg0" element defines the first replacement value to use with the
  +     message template for this validator or this field.
  +     The arg0 element accepts up to three attributes.
  +      name        The name of the validator corresponding to this msg.
  +      key         The key that will return the message template from a
  +                  resource bundle.
  +      resource    If set to "false", the key is taken to be a literal
  +                  value rather than a bundle key.
  +                  [true]
   <!ELEMENT arg0    EMPTY>
  -<!ATTLIST arg0    name     CDATA #IMPLIED 
  +<!ATTLIST arg0    name     CDATA #IMPLIED
                     key      CDATA #IMPLIED
                     resource CDATA #IMPLIED >
  +     The "arg1" element defines the second replacement value to use with the
  +     message template for this validator or this field.
  +     The arg1 element accepts up to three attributes.
  +      name        The name of the validator corresponding to this msg.
  +      key         The key that will return the message template from a
  +                  resource bundle.
  +      resource    If set to "false", the key is taken to be a literal
  +                  value rather than a bundle key.
  +                  [true]
   <!ELEMENT arg1    EMPTY>
  -<!ATTLIST arg1    name     CDATA #IMPLIED 
  +<!ATTLIST arg1    name     CDATA #IMPLIED
                     key      CDATA #IMPLIED
                     resource CDATA #IMPLIED >
  +     The "arg2" element defines the third replacement value to use with the
  +     message template for this validator or this field.
  +     The arg2 element accepts up to three attributes.
  +      name        The name of the validator corresponding to this msg.
  +      key         The key that will return the message template from a
  +                  resource bundle.
  +      resource    If set to "false", the key is taken to be a literal
  +                  value rather than a bundle key.
  +                  [true]
   <!ELEMENT arg2    EMPTY>
  -<!ATTLIST arg2    name     CDATA #IMPLIED 
  +<!ATTLIST arg2    name     CDATA #IMPLIED
                     key      CDATA #IMPLIED
                     resource CDATA #IMPLIED >
  +     The "arg3" element defines the fourth replacement value to use with the
  +     message template for this validator or this field.
  +     The arg0 element accepts up to three attributes.
  +      name        The name of the validator corresponding to this msg.
  +      key         The key that will return the message template from a
  +                  resource bundle.
  +      resource    If set to "false", the key is taken to be a literal
  +                  value rather than a bundle key.
  +                  [true]
   <!ELEMENT arg3    EMPTY>
  -<!ATTLIST arg3    name     CDATA #IMPLIED 
  +<!ATTLIST arg3    name     CDATA #IMPLIED
                     key      CDATA #IMPLIED
                     resource CDATA #IMPLIED >
  +     The "var" element can set parameters that a field may need to pass to
  +     one of its validators, such as the minimum and maximum values in a
  +     range validation. These parameters may also be referenced by one of the
  +     arg? elements using a shell syntax: ${var:var-name}.
   <!ELEMENT var (var-name, var-value)>
  +     The name of the var parameter to provide to a field's validators.
   <!ELEMENT var-name  (#PCDATA)>
  +     The value of the var parameter to provide to a field's validators.
   <!ELEMENT var-value (#PCDATA)>
   <!-- eof -->

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