
El Vie 27 Sep 2002 20:29, Juraj Burian escribió:
> Hi,
> I have defined a custom tag and I need obtain some bean object instance.
> The next code is used:
>         // trgName have quotes now ....
>         trgName = trgName.substring(1, trgName.length() - 1); // remove
> quotes
>         trgBean = RequestUtils.lookup(pageContext, trgName, trgScope);
>         if(null == trgBean)
>         {
>             // TODO log + error
>             throw new JspException("Can't obtain targetBean!");
>         }
> and working, but when quotes are not removed from the string trgName
> RequestUtils.lookup return null.
> I am using last beta version of struct library.
> For me is that behaviour really strength, because in for example WriteTag
> (from bean) is practically same code in use and working. :-)

I am not sure to understand you.

I supose trgName is an attribute of your tag, and you use something like

<yourTagLib:yourTag  trgName="beanName" trgScope="aScope" .... 

Then trgName shouldn't have quotes.

This is the way WriteTag works

> best regards
> Juraj Burian
> p.s. be kindly please, my English is really terrible :-)
> p.s2. I thing that my tag can by used commonly, What is necessary to do,
> for that?

To make your tag avaliable to other struts users you should create a new Bug 
(enhancemet) in http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla, and attach your code, so 
struts developers can review it and and add it to the struts/contrib folder 
if they think it's useful.

P.D: My english isn't very good too :-)

Best Regards,

-- Antoni Reus

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