On Mon, 28 Oct 2002, Erik Hatcher wrote:

> Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2002 13:42:44 -0600
> From: Erik Hatcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Struts Developers List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Struts Developers List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Nightly build issue
> Eddie Bush wrote:
> > Can you verify your assumption with the logging output?  It should say
> > what the value of matchPath is.  This would be a debug-level logging
> > statment indicated by a line stating:
> >
> > Selecting module for path <matchPath>
> >
> > You may have to turn up the volume on your logging output to see it. I'd
> > be most interested in what's going on here.
> Unfortunately for some reason the interaction with JBoss and Log4j
> doesn't like debug output and the lowest level I can get visible is
> 'INFO' level messages.  *ugh* - why is logging so darn brittle and
> troublesome?!  :/  (and yes, I've fought with this in the past, but it
> wasn't worth devoting much time to given other higher priority concerns)

Agreed on brittleness.

I don't know if Log4J has the same mechanism, but I got caught on
something similar to this with JDK 1.4 logging -- there's a setting for
the minimum logging level that is written to the console handler, no
matter what the individual loggers are set for
(java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.level).  The default level, of course,
is INFO.  It frustrated the heck out of me why I couldn't get trace or
debug output until I reset this to TRACE.

> > If there is a case where the first character of matchPath may not be a
> > "/" then that condition needs to change to a > instead of !=.  I was of
> > the impression that the first element of that string would always be a "/".
> Perhaps its something related to how Cactus is invoking through
> ActionServlet that the path does not begin with "/"?
> Also, I'm not using modules, if that has any bearing on this.

Module paths are supposed to have semantics like context paths -- they are
either a string starting with a slash, or a zero-length string for the
default module.  Using this approach, Struts can always construct
server-relative paths like this:

  String path = contextPath + modulePath + moduleRelativeResourcePath;

> I've noticed other fishy things with our application and the 20021028
> build that I haven't had time to dig into yet.

There were build problems over the weekend that might or might not be
contributing to this as well.

>       Erik


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