I decided to try to get modules to work with path-mapping tonight with
no luck.  I'll enter this into Bugzilla if you'd like.  Basically, I
have a forward that switches to the module:

With extension mapping:

        <forward name="uploadResume" contextRelative="true"
            path="/upload/index.do" redirect="true" />

With path mapping:

        <forward name="uploadResume" contextRelative="true"
            path="/do/upload/index" redirect="true" />

Or at least, I think that's the logical configuration.  From the
logging, I get:

ERROR [Thread-2] [org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor]
RequestProcessor.processMapping(664) | Invalid path /upload
/index was requested

In my "upload" module, I have the following "index" forward that I'm
expecting it to hit:

<forward name="index" path="/do/index" />

I'm willing to try a couple hints if anyone has some.  My <controller>
does not have a pagePattern defined.



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