martinc     2003/01/06 21:50:12

  Modified:    contrib/struts-el/doc/stylesheets proposals.xsl struts.xsl
  Fix line ends.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.2       +318 -318  jakarta-struts/contrib/struts-el/doc/stylesheets/proposals.xsl
  Index: proposals.xsl
  RCS file: /home/cvs/jakarta-struts/contrib/struts-el/doc/stylesheets/proposals.xsl,v
  retrieving revision 1.1
  retrieving revision 1.2
  diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
  --- proposals.xsl     26 Sep 2002 04:54:38 -0000      1.1
  +++ proposals.xsl     7 Jan 2003 05:50:11 -0000       1.2
  @@ -1,318 +1,318 @@
  -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
  -<!-- Content Stylesheet for Struts User's Guide -->
  -<!-- $Id$ -->
  -<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="";
  -  version="1.0">
  -  <!-- Output method -->
  -  <xsl:output method="html" indent="no"/>
  -  <!-- Defined variables -->
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  -  <!-- Process an entire document into an HTML page -->
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  -    <xsl:variable name="project"
  -                select="document('../proposals/project.xml')/project"/>
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  -    <head>
  -    <meta name="author" content="{properties/author/.}"/>
  -    <!-- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="default.css"/> -->
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  -        <title><xsl:value-of select="properties/title"/></title>
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  -        <title><xsl:value-of select="body/title"/></title>
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  -        <img src="../images/jakarta-logo.gif" align="left" border="0"/>
  -        </a>
  -        <img src="../images/struts.gif" align="right" border="0"/>
  -      </td></tr>
  -      <tr><td colspan="2">
  -        <hr/>
  -      </td></tr>
  -      <tr>
  -        <td width="120" valign="top">
  -          <xsl:apply-templates select="$project"/>
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  -        <td valign="top">
  -          <xsl:apply-templates select="body"/>
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  -      </tr>
  -      <tr><td colspan="2">
  -        <hr/>
  -      </td></tr>
  -      <tr><td colspan="2">
  -        <div align="center"><font color="{$body-link}" size="-1">Struts Nightly 
  -        <em>
  -        Copyright (c) 2000-2002, Apache Software Foundation
  -        </em></font></div>
  -        <img src="../images/struts-power.gif" align="right" border="0"/>
  -      </td></tr>
  -    </table>
  -    </body>
  -    </html>
  -  </xsl:template>
  -  <!-- Process the project element for the navigation bar -->
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  -    <xsl:apply-templates/>
  -  </xsl:template>
  -  <!-- Process an entire chapter (assumes one chapter per page) -->
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  -      <xsl:attribute name="name">
  -        <xsl:value-of select="@href" />
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  -        </font>
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  -    </table>
  -    <xsl:apply-templates select="section" />
  -  </xsl:template>
  -  <!-- Process a menu for the navigation bar -->
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  -        <th colspan="2" align="left">
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  -          </strong></font>
  -        </th>
  -      </tr>
  -      <xsl:apply-templates/>
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  -  </xsl:template>
  -  <!-- Process a menu item for the navigation bar -->
  -  <xsl:template match="item">
  -    <tr>
  -      <td align="center" width="15"></td>
  -      <td>
  -        <font size="-1">
  -        <xsl:variable name="href">
  -          <xsl:value-of select="@href"/>
  -        </xsl:variable>
  -        <a href="{$href}"><xsl:value-of select="@name"/></a>
  -        </font>
  -      </td>
  -    </tr>
  -  </xsl:template>
  -  <!-- Process a documentation section -->
  -  <xsl:template match="section">
  -    <xsl:choose>
  -      <xsl:when test="@href">
  -        <xsl:variable name="href">
  -          <xsl:value-of select="@href"/>
  -        </xsl:variable>
  -        <a name="{$href}"></a>
  -      </xsl:when>
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  -        <font color="{$banner-fg}" face="arial,helvetica,sanserif" size="+1">
  -          <strong><xsl:value-of select="@name"/></strong>
  -        </font>
  -      </td></tr>
  -      <tr><td>
  -        <blockquote>
  -          <xsl:apply-templates/>
  -        </blockquote>
  -      </td></tr>
  -    </table>
  -  </xsl:template>
  -  <!-- Process a tag library section -->
  -  <xsl:template match="taglib">
  -    <table border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5" width="98%">
  -      <tr><td bgcolor="{$banner-bg}">
  -        <font color="{$banner-fg}" face="arial,helvetica,sanserif" size="+1">
  -          <strong><xsl:value-of select="display-name"/></strong>
  -        </font>
  -      </td></tr>
  -      <tr><td>
  -        <blockquote>
  -          <xsl:apply-templates select="info"/>
  -        </blockquote>
  -      </td></tr>
  -      <tr><td>
  -        <blockquote>
  -          <table border="1" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
  -            <tr>
  -              <th width="15%">Tag Name</th>
  -              <th>Description</th>
  -            </tr>
  -            <xsl:for-each select="tag">
  -              <tr>
  -                <td align="center">
  -                  <xsl:variable name="name">
  -                    <xsl:value-of select="name"/>
  -                  </xsl:variable>
  -                  <a href="#{$name}"><xsl:value-of select="name"/></a>
  -                </td>
  -                <td>
  -                  <xsl:value-of select="summary"/>
  -                </td>
  -              </tr>
  -            </xsl:for-each>
  -          </table>
  -        </blockquote>
  -      </td></tr>
  -    </table>
  -    <xsl:apply-templates select="tag"/>
  -  </xsl:template>
  -  <!-- Process an individual tag -->
  -  <xsl:template match="tag">
  -    <xsl:variable name="name">
  -      <xsl:value-of select="name"/>
  -    </xsl:variable>
  -    <a name="{$name}"></a>
  -    <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
  -      <tr><td bgcolor="{$banner-bg}">
  -        <font color="{$banner-fg}" face="arial,helvetica,sanserif">
  -          <strong><xsl:value-of select="name"/></strong> -
  -          <xsl:value-of select="summary"/>
  -        </font>
  -      </td></tr>
  -      <tr><td>
  -        <blockquote>
  -          <xsl:apply-templates select="info"/>
  -        </blockquote>
  -      </td></tr>
  -      <tr><td>
  -        <blockquote>
  -          <table border="1" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
  -            <tr>
  -              <th width="15%">Attribute Name</th>
  -              <th>Description</th>
  -            </tr>
  -            <xsl:for-each select="attribute">
  -              <tr>
  -                <td align="center">
  -                  <xsl:value-of select="name"/>
  -                </td>
  -                <td>
  -                  <xsl:apply-templates select="info"/>
  -                  <xsl:variable name="required">
  -                    <xsl:value-of select="required"/>
  -                  </xsl:variable>
  -                  <xsl:if test="required='true'">
  -                    [Required]
  -                  </xsl:if>
  -                  <xsl:if test="rtexprvalue='true'">
  -                    [RT Expr]
  -                  </xsl:if>
  -                </td>
  -              </tr>
  -            </xsl:for-each>
  -          </table>
  -        </blockquote>
  -      </td></tr>
  -    </table>
  -  </xsl:template>
  -  <!-- Process an individual paragraph -->
  -  <xsl:template match="p">
  -    <p><xsl:apply-templates/><br/></p>
  -  </xsl:template>
  -  <!-- Process a task list section -->
  -  <xsl:template match="task-list">
  -    <xsl:choose>
  -      <xsl:when test="@href">
  -        <xsl:variable name="href">
  -          <xsl:value-of select="@href"/>
  -        </xsl:variable>
  -        <a name="{$href}"></a>
  -      </xsl:when>
  -    </xsl:choose>
  -    <table border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5" width="100%">
  -      <tr><td bgcolor="{$banner-bg}">
  -        <font color="{$banner-fg}" face="arial,helvetica,sanserif" size="+1">
  -          <xsl:value-of select="@name"/>
  -        </font>
  -      </td></tr>
  -      <tr><td>
  -        <xsl:apply-templates select="info"/>
  -      </td></tr>
  -      <tr><td>
  -        <blockquote>
  -          <table border="1" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5" width="100%">
  -            <tr>
  -              <th width="75%">Description</th>
  -              <th width="25%">Volunteer</th>
  -            </tr>
  -            <xsl:apply-templates select="task"/>
  -          </table>
  -        </blockquote>
  -      </td></tr>
  -    </table>
  -  </xsl:template>
  -  <!-- Process an individual task (in a TODO list) -->
  -  <xsl:template match="task">
  -    <tr>
  -      <td>
  -        <xsl:choose>
  -          <xsl:when test="@name">
  -            <em><xsl:value-of select="@name"/></em>.
  -          </xsl:when>
  -        </xsl:choose>
  -        <xsl:value-of select="info"/>
  -      </td>
  -      <td><xsl:value-of select="assigned"/></td>
  -    </tr>
  -  </xsl:template>
  -  <!-- Process everything else by just passing it through -->
  -  <xsl:template match="*|@*">
  -    <xsl:copy>
  -      <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|*|text()"/>
  -    </xsl:copy>
  -  </xsl:template>
  +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
  +<!-- Content Stylesheet for Struts User's Guide -->
  +<!-- $Id$ -->
  +<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="";
  +  version="1.0">
  +  <!-- Output method -->
  +  <xsl:output method="html" indent="no"/>
  +  <!-- Defined variables -->
  +  <xsl:variable name="body-bg"   select="'#ffffff'"/>
  +  <xsl:variable name="body-fg"   select="'#000000'"/>
  +  <xsl:variable name="body-link" select="'#023264'"/>
  +  <xsl:variable name="banner-bg" select="'#023264'"/>
  +  <xsl:variable name="banner-fg" select="'#ffffff'"/>
  +  <!-- Process an entire document into an HTML page -->
  +  <xsl:template match="document">
  +    <xsl:variable name="project"
  +                select="document('../proposals/project.xml')/project"/>
  +    <html>
  +    <head>
  +    <meta name="author" content="{properties/author/.}"/>
  +    <!-- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="default.css"/> -->
  +    <xsl:choose>
  +      <xsl:when test="properties/title">
  +        <title><xsl:value-of select="properties/title"/></title>
  +      </xsl:when>
  +      <xsl:when test="body/title">
  +        <title><xsl:value-of select="body/title"/></title>
  +      </xsl:when>
  +      <xsl:otherwise>
  +        <title><xsl:value-of select="$project/title"/></title>
  +      </xsl:otherwise>
  +    </xsl:choose>
  +    </head>
  +    <body bgcolor="{$body-bg}" text="{$body-fg}" link="{$body-link}"
  +          alink="{$body-link}" vlink="{$body-link}">
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  +      <tr><td colspan="2">
  +        <a href="";>
  +        <img src="../images/jakarta-logo.gif" align="left" border="0"/>
  +        </a>
  +        <img src="../images/struts.gif" align="right" border="0"/>
  +      </td></tr>
  +      <tr><td colspan="2">
  +        <hr/>
  +      </td></tr>
  +      <tr>
  +        <td width="120" valign="top">
  +          <xsl:apply-templates select="$project"/>
  +        </td>
  +        <td valign="top">
  +          <xsl:apply-templates select="body"/>
  +        </td>
  +      </tr>
  +      <tr><td colspan="2">
  +        <hr/>
  +      </td></tr>
  +      <tr><td colspan="2">
  +        <div align="center"><font color="{$body-link}" size="-1">Struts Nightly 
  +        <em>
  +        Copyright (c) 2000-2002, Apache Software Foundation
  +        </em></font></div>
  +        <img src="../images/struts-power.gif" align="right" border="0"/>
  +      </td></tr>
  +    </table>
  +    </body>
  +    </html>
  +  </xsl:template>
  +  <!-- Process the project element for the navigation bar -->
  +  <xsl:template match="project">
  +    <xsl:apply-templates/>
  +  </xsl:template>
  +  <!-- Process an entire chapter (assumes one chapter per page) -->
  +  <xsl:template match="chapter">
  +    <xsl:element name="a">
  +      <xsl:attribute name="name">
  +        <xsl:value-of select="@href" />
  +      </xsl:attribute>
  +    </xsl:element>
  +    <table border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5" width="100%">
  +      <tr><td bgcolor="{$banner-bg}">
  +        <font color="{$banner-fg}" face="arial,helvetica,sanserif" size="+1">
  +          <strong><xsl:value-of select="@name"/></strong>
  +        </font>
  +      </td></tr>
  +    </table>
  +    <xsl:apply-templates select="section" />
  +  </xsl:template>
  +  <!-- Process a menu for the navigation bar -->
  +  <xsl:template match="menu">
  +    <table border="0" cellspacing="5">
  +      <tr>
  +        <th colspan="2" align="left">
  +          <font color="{$body-link}"><strong>
  +            <xsl:value-of select="@name"/>
  +          </strong></font>
  +        </th>
  +      </tr>
  +      <xsl:apply-templates/>
  +    </table>
  +  </xsl:template>
  +  <!-- Process a menu item for the navigation bar -->
  +  <xsl:template match="item">
  +    <tr>
  +      <td align="center" width="15"></td>
  +      <td>
  +        <font size="-1">
  +        <xsl:variable name="href">
  +          <xsl:value-of select="@href"/>
  +        </xsl:variable>
  +        <a href="{$href}"><xsl:value-of select="@name"/></a>
  +        </font>
  +      </td>
  +    </tr>
  +  </xsl:template>
  +  <!-- Process a documentation section -->
  +  <xsl:template match="section">
  +    <xsl:choose>
  +      <xsl:when test="@href">
  +        <xsl:variable name="href">
  +          <xsl:value-of select="@href"/>
  +        </xsl:variable>
  +        <a name="{$href}"></a>
  +      </xsl:when>
  +    </xsl:choose>
  +    <table border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5" width="100%">
  +      <tr><td bgcolor="{$banner-bg}">
  +        <font color="{$banner-fg}" face="arial,helvetica,sanserif" size="+1">
  +          <strong><xsl:value-of select="@name"/></strong>
  +        </font>
  +      </td></tr>
  +      <tr><td>
  +        <blockquote>
  +          <xsl:apply-templates/>
  +        </blockquote>
  +      </td></tr>
  +    </table>
  +  </xsl:template>
  +  <!-- Process a tag library section -->
  +  <xsl:template match="taglib">
  +    <table border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5" width="98%">
  +      <tr><td bgcolor="{$banner-bg}">
  +        <font color="{$banner-fg}" face="arial,helvetica,sanserif" size="+1">
  +          <strong><xsl:value-of select="display-name"/></strong>
  +        </font>
  +      </td></tr>
  +      <tr><td>
  +        <blockquote>
  +          <xsl:apply-templates select="info"/>
  +        </blockquote>
  +      </td></tr>
  +      <tr><td>
  +        <blockquote>
  +          <table border="1" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
  +            <tr>
  +              <th width="15%">Tag Name</th>
  +              <th>Description</th>
  +            </tr>
  +            <xsl:for-each select="tag">
  +              <tr>
  +                <td align="center">
  +                  <xsl:variable name="name">
  +                    <xsl:value-of select="name"/>
  +                  </xsl:variable>
  +                  <a href="#{$name}"><xsl:value-of select="name"/></a>
  +                </td>
  +                <td>
  +                  <xsl:value-of select="summary"/>
  +                </td>
  +              </tr>
  +            </xsl:for-each>
  +          </table>
  +        </blockquote>
  +      </td></tr>
  +    </table>
  +    <xsl:apply-templates select="tag"/>
  +  </xsl:template>
  +  <!-- Process an individual tag -->
  +  <xsl:template match="tag">
  +    <xsl:variable name="name">
  +      <xsl:value-of select="name"/>
  +    </xsl:variable>
  +    <a name="{$name}"></a>
  +    <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
  +      <tr><td bgcolor="{$banner-bg}">
  +        <font color="{$banner-fg}" face="arial,helvetica,sanserif">
  +          <strong><xsl:value-of select="name"/></strong> -
  +          <xsl:value-of select="summary"/>
  +        </font>
  +      </td></tr>
  +      <tr><td>
  +        <blockquote>
  +          <xsl:apply-templates select="info"/>
  +        </blockquote>
  +      </td></tr>
  +      <tr><td>
  +        <blockquote>
  +          <table border="1" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
  +            <tr>
  +              <th width="15%">Attribute Name</th>
  +              <th>Description</th>
  +            </tr>
  +            <xsl:for-each select="attribute">
  +              <tr>
  +                <td align="center">
  +                  <xsl:value-of select="name"/>
  +                </td>
  +                <td>
  +                  <xsl:apply-templates select="info"/>
  +                  <xsl:variable name="required">
  +                    <xsl:value-of select="required"/>
  +                  </xsl:variable>
  +                  <xsl:if test="required='true'">
  +                    [Required]
  +                  </xsl:if>
  +                  <xsl:if test="rtexprvalue='true'">
  +                    [RT Expr]
  +                  </xsl:if>
  +                </td>
  +              </tr>
  +            </xsl:for-each>
  +          </table>
  +        </blockquote>
  +      </td></tr>
  +    </table>
  +  </xsl:template>
  +  <!-- Process an individual paragraph -->
  +  <xsl:template match="p">
  +    <p><xsl:apply-templates/><br/></p>
  +  </xsl:template>
  +  <!-- Process a task list section -->
  +  <xsl:template match="task-list">
  +    <xsl:choose>
  +      <xsl:when test="@href">
  +        <xsl:variable name="href">
  +          <xsl:value-of select="@href"/>
  +        </xsl:variable>
  +        <a name="{$href}"></a>
  +      </xsl:when>
  +    </xsl:choose>
  +    <table border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5" width="100%">
  +      <tr><td bgcolor="{$banner-bg}">
  +        <font color="{$banner-fg}" face="arial,helvetica,sanserif" size="+1">
  +          <xsl:value-of select="@name"/>
  +        </font>
  +      </td></tr>
  +      <tr><td>
  +        <xsl:apply-templates select="info"/>
  +      </td></tr>
  +      <tr><td>
  +        <blockquote>
  +          <table border="1" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5" width="100%">
  +            <tr>
  +              <th width="75%">Description</th>
  +              <th width="25%">Volunteer</th>
  +            </tr>
  +            <xsl:apply-templates select="task"/>
  +          </table>
  +        </blockquote>
  +      </td></tr>
  +    </table>
  +  </xsl:template>
  +  <!-- Process an individual task (in a TODO list) -->
  +  <xsl:template match="task">
  +    <tr>
  +      <td>
  +        <xsl:choose>
  +          <xsl:when test="@name">
  +            <em><xsl:value-of select="@name"/></em>.
  +          </xsl:when>
  +        </xsl:choose>
  +        <xsl:value-of select="info"/>
  +      </td>
  +      <td><xsl:value-of select="assigned"/></td>
  +    </tr>
  +  </xsl:template>
  +  <!-- Process everything else by just passing it through -->
  +  <xsl:template match="*|@*">
  +    <xsl:copy>
  +      <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|*|text()"/>
  +    </xsl:copy>
  +  </xsl:template>
  1.2       +335 -335  jakarta-struts/contrib/struts-el/doc/stylesheets/struts.xsl
  Index: struts.xsl
  RCS file: /home/cvs/jakarta-struts/contrib/struts-el/doc/stylesheets/struts.xsl,v
  retrieving revision 1.1
  retrieving revision 1.2
  diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
  --- struts.xsl        26 Sep 2002 04:54:38 -0000      1.1
  +++ struts.xsl        7 Jan 2003 05:50:11 -0000       1.2
  @@ -1,335 +1,335 @@
  -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
  -<!-- Content Stylesheet for Struts Documentation -->
  -<!-- $Id$ -->
  -<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="";
  -  version="1.0">
  -  <!-- Output method -->
  -  <xsl:output method="html" indent="no"/>
  -  <!-- Defined variables -->
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  -  <xsl:variable name="body-fg"   select="'#000000'"/>
  -  <xsl:variable name="body-link" select="'#023264'"/>
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  -  <xsl:variable name="banner-fg" select="'#ffffff'"/>
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  -  <xsl:template match="document">
  -    <xsl:variable name="project"
  -                select="document('../project.xml')/project"/>
  -    <html>
  -    <head>
  -    <meta name="author" content="{properties/author/.}"/>
  -    <!-- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="default.css"/> -->
  -    <xsl:choose>
  -      <xsl:when test="properties/title">
  -        <title><xsl:value-of select="properties/title"/></title>
  -      </xsl:when>
  -      <xsl:when test="body/title">
  -        <title><xsl:value-of select="body/title"/></title>
  -      </xsl:when>
  -      <xsl:otherwise>
  -        <title><xsl:value-of select="$project/title"/></title>
  -      </xsl:otherwise>
  -    </xsl:choose>
  -    </head>
  -    <body bgcolor="{$body-bg}" text="{$body-fg}" link="{$body-link}"
  -          alink="{$body-link}" vlink="{$body-link}">
  -    <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="5">
  -      <tr><td colspan="2">
  -        <a href="";>
  -        <img src="images/jakarta-logo.gif" align="left" border="0"/>
  -        </a>
  -        <img src="images/struts.gif" align="right" border="0"/>
  -      </td></tr>
  -      <tr><td colspan="2">
  -        <hr/>
  -      </td></tr>
  -      <tr>
  -        <td width="120" valign="top">
  -          <xsl:apply-templates select="$project"/>
  -        </td>
  -        <td valign="top">
  -          <xsl:apply-templates select="body"/>
  -        </td>
  -      </tr>
  -      <tr><td colspan="2">
  -        <hr/>
  -      </td></tr>
  -      <tr><td colspan="2">
  -        <div align="center"><font color="{$body-link}" size="-1"><em>
  -        Copyright (c) 2000-2002, Apache Software Foundation
  -        </em></font></div>
  -        <img src="images/struts-power.gif" align="right" border="0"/>
  -      </td></tr>
  -    </table>
  -    </body>
  -    </html>
  -  </xsl:template>
  -  <!-- Process the project element for the navigation bar -->
  -  <xsl:template match="project">
  -    <xsl:apply-templates/>
  -  </xsl:template>
  -  <!-- Process a menu for the navigation bar -->
  -  <xsl:template match="menu">
  -    <table border="0" cellspacing="5">
  -      <tr>
  -        <th colspan="2" align="left">
  -          <font color="{$body-link}"><strong>
  -            <xsl:value-of select="@name"/>
  -          </strong></font>
  -        </th>
  -      </tr>
  -      <xsl:apply-templates/>
  -    </table>
  -  </xsl:template>
  -  <!-- Process a menu item for the navigation bar -->
  -  <xsl:template match="item">
  -    <tr>
  -      <td align="center" width="15"></td>
  -      <td>
  -        <font size="-1">
  -        <xsl:variable name="href">
  -          <xsl:value-of select="@href"/>
  -        </xsl:variable>
  -        <a href="{$href}"><xsl:value-of select="@name"/></a>
  -        </font>
  -      </td>
  -    </tr>
  -  </xsl:template>
  -  <!-- Process a document body -->
  -  <xsl:template match="body">
  -    <xsl:apply-templates/>
  -  </xsl:template>
  -  <!-- Process a documentation section -->
  -  <xsl:template match="section">
  -    <xsl:choose>
  -      <xsl:when test="@href">
  -        <xsl:variable name="href">
  -          <xsl:value-of select="@href"/>
  -        </xsl:variable>
  -        <a name="{$href}"></a>
  -      </xsl:when>
  -    </xsl:choose>
  -    <table border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5" width="100%">
  -      <tr><td bgcolor="{$banner-bg}">
  -        <font color="{$banner-fg}" face="arial,helvetica,sanserif" size="+1">
  -          <strong><xsl:value-of select="@name"/></strong>
  -        </font>
  -      </td></tr>
  -      <tr><td>
  -        <blockquote>
  -          <xsl:apply-templates/>
  -        </blockquote>
  -      </td></tr>
  -    </table>
  -  </xsl:template>
  -  <!-- Process a documentation subsection -->
  -  <xsl:template match="subsection">
  -    <xsl:choose>
  -      <xsl:when test="@href">
  -        <xsl:variable name="href">
  -          <xsl:value-of select="@href"/>
  -        </xsl:variable>
  -        <a name="{$href}"></a>
  -      </xsl:when>
  -    </xsl:choose>
  -    <table border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5" width="100%">
  -      <tr><td bgcolor="{$banner-bg}">
  -        <font color="{$banner-fg}" face="arial,helvetica,sanserif">
  -          <strong><xsl:value-of select="@name"/></strong>
  -        </font>
  -      </td></tr>
  -      <tr><td>
  -        <blockquote>
  -          <xsl:apply-templates/>
  -        </blockquote>
  -      </td></tr>
  -    </table>
  -  </xsl:template>
  -  <!-- Process a tag library section -->
  -  <xsl:template match="taglib">
  -    <table border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5" width="100%">
  -      <tr><td bgcolor="{$banner-bg}">
  -        <font color="{$banner-fg}" face="arial,helvetica,sanserif" size="+1">
  -          <strong><xsl:value-of select="display-name"/></strong>
  -        </font>
  -      </td></tr>
  -      <tr><td>
  -        <blockquote>
  -          <xsl:apply-templates select="info"/>
  -        </blockquote>
  -      </td></tr>
  -      <tr><td>
  -        <blockquote>
  -          <table border="1" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
  -            <tr>
  -              <th width="15%">Tag Name</th>
  -              <th>Description</th>
  -            </tr>
  -            <xsl:for-each select="tag">
  -              <tr>
  -                <td align="center">
  -                  <xsl:variable name="name">
  -                    <xsl:value-of select="name"/>
  -                  </xsl:variable>
  -                  <a href="#{$name}"><xsl:value-of select="name"/></a>
  -                </td>
  -                <td>
  -                  <xsl:value-of select="summary"/>
  -                </td>
  -              </tr>
  -            </xsl:for-each>
  -          </table>
  -        </blockquote>
  -      </td></tr>
  -    </table>
  -    <xsl:apply-templates select="tag"/>
  -  </xsl:template>
  -  <!-- Process an individual tag -->
  -  <xsl:template match="tag">
  -    <xsl:variable name="name">
  -      <xsl:value-of select="name"/>
  -    </xsl:variable>
  -    <a name="{$name}"></a>
  -    <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
  -      <tr><td bgcolor="{$banner-bg}">
  -        <font color="{$banner-fg}" face="arial,helvetica,sanserif">
  -          <strong><xsl:value-of select="name"/></strong> -
  -          <xsl:value-of select="summary"/>
  -        </font>
  -      </td></tr>
  -      <tr><td>
  -        <blockquote>
  -          <xsl:apply-templates select="info"/>
  -        </blockquote>
  -      </td></tr>
  -      <xsl:if test="not(@document-attributes)">
  -        <xsl:call-template name="document-tag-attributes" />
  -      </xsl:if>
  -      <xsl:if test="@document-attributes='true'">
  -        <xsl:call-template name="document-tag-attributes" />
  -      </xsl:if>
  -    </table>
  -  </xsl:template>
  -  <!-- Create the table of documentation for a tag -->
  -  <xsl:template name="document-tag-attributes">
  -    <tr><td>
  -      <blockquote>
  -        <table border="1" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
  -          <tr>
  -            <th width="15%">Attribute Name</th>
  -            <th>Description</th>
  -          </tr>
  -          <xsl:for-each select="attribute">
  -            <tr>
  -              <td align="center">
  -                <xsl:value-of select="name"/>
  -              </td>
  -              <td>
  -                <xsl:apply-templates select="info"/>
  -                <xsl:variable name="required">
  -                  <xsl:value-of select="required"/>
  -                </xsl:variable>
  -                <xsl:if test="required='true'">
  -                  [Required]
  -                </xsl:if>
  -                <xsl:if test="rtexprvalue='true'">
  -                  [RT Expr]
  -                </xsl:if>
  -              </td>
  -            </tr>
  -          </xsl:for-each>
  -        </table>
  -      </blockquote>
  -    </td></tr>
  -  </xsl:template>
  -  <!-- Process an individual paragraph -->
  -  <xsl:template match="p">
  -    <p><xsl:apply-templates/><br/></p>
  -  </xsl:template>
  -  <!-- Process a task list section -->
  -  <xsl:template match="task-list">
  -    <xsl:choose>
  -      <xsl:when test="@href">
  -        <xsl:variable name="href">
  -          <xsl:value-of select="@href"/>
  -        </xsl:variable>
  -        <a name="{$href}"></a>
  -      </xsl:when>
  -    </xsl:choose>
  -    <table border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5" width="100%">
  -      <tr><td bgcolor="{$banner-bg}">
  -        <font color="{$banner-fg}" face="arial,helvetica,sanserif" size="+1">
  -          <xsl:value-of select="@name"/>
  -        </font>
  -      </td></tr>
  -      <tr><td>
  -        <xsl:apply-templates select="info"/>
  -      </td></tr>
  -      <tr><td>
  -        <blockquote>
  -          <table border="1" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5" width="100%">
  -            <tr>
  -              <th width="75%">Description</th>
  -              <th width="25%">Volunteer</th>
  -            </tr>
  -            <xsl:apply-templates select="task"/>
  -          </table>
  -        </blockquote>
  -      </td></tr>
  -    </table>
  -  </xsl:template>
  -  <!-- Process an individual task (in a TODO list) -->
  -  <xsl:template match="task">
  -    <tr>
  -      <td>
  -        <xsl:choose>
  -          <xsl:when test="@name">
  -            <em><xsl:value-of select="@name"/></em>.
  -          </xsl:when>
  -        </xsl:choose>
  -        <xsl:value-of select="info"/>
  -      </td>
  -      <td><xsl:value-of select="assigned"/></td>
  -    </tr>
  -  </xsl:template>
  -  <!-- Process everything else by just passing it through -->
  -  <xsl:template match="*|@*">
  -    <xsl:copy>
  -      <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|*|text()"/>
  -    </xsl:copy>
  -  </xsl:template>
  +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
  +<!-- Content Stylesheet for Struts Documentation -->
  +<!-- $Id$ -->
  +<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="";
  +  version="1.0">
  +  <!-- Output method -->
  +  <xsl:output method="html" indent="no"/>
  +  <!-- Defined variables -->
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  +  <xsl:variable name="banner-fg" select="'#ffffff'"/>
  +  <!-- Process an entire document into an HTML page -->
  +  <xsl:template match="document">
  +    <xsl:variable name="project"
  +                select="document('../project.xml')/project"/>
  +    <html>
  +    <head>
  +    <meta name="author" content="{properties/author/.}"/>
  +    <!-- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="default.css"/> -->
  +    <xsl:choose>
  +      <xsl:when test="properties/title">
  +        <title><xsl:value-of select="properties/title"/></title>
  +      </xsl:when>
  +      <xsl:when test="body/title">
  +        <title><xsl:value-of select="body/title"/></title>
  +      </xsl:when>
  +      <xsl:otherwise>
  +        <title><xsl:value-of select="$project/title"/></title>
  +      </xsl:otherwise>
  +    </xsl:choose>
  +    </head>
  +    <body bgcolor="{$body-bg}" text="{$body-fg}" link="{$body-link}"
  +          alink="{$body-link}" vlink="{$body-link}">
  +    <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="5">
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  +        <a href="";>
  +        <img src="images/jakarta-logo.gif" align="left" border="0"/>
  +        </a>
  +        <img src="images/struts.gif" align="right" border="0"/>
  +      </td></tr>
  +      <tr><td colspan="2">
  +        <hr/>
  +      </td></tr>
  +      <tr>
  +        <td width="120" valign="top">
  +          <xsl:apply-templates select="$project"/>
  +        </td>
  +        <td valign="top">
  +          <xsl:apply-templates select="body"/>
  +        </td>
  +      </tr>
  +      <tr><td colspan="2">
  +        <hr/>
  +      </td></tr>
  +      <tr><td colspan="2">
  +        <div align="center"><font color="{$body-link}" size="-1"><em>
  +        Copyright (c) 2000-2002, Apache Software Foundation
  +        </em></font></div>
  +        <img src="images/struts-power.gif" align="right" border="0"/>
  +      </td></tr>
  +    </table>
  +    </body>
  +    </html>
  +  </xsl:template>
  +  <!-- Process the project element for the navigation bar -->
  +  <xsl:template match="project">
  +    <xsl:apply-templates/>
  +  </xsl:template>
  +  <!-- Process a menu for the navigation bar -->
  +  <xsl:template match="menu">
  +    <table border="0" cellspacing="5">
  +      <tr>
  +        <th colspan="2" align="left">
  +          <font color="{$body-link}"><strong>
  +            <xsl:value-of select="@name"/>
  +          </strong></font>
  +        </th>
  +      </tr>
  +      <xsl:apply-templates/>
  +    </table>
  +  </xsl:template>
  +  <!-- Process a menu item for the navigation bar -->
  +  <xsl:template match="item">
  +    <tr>
  +      <td align="center" width="15"></td>
  +      <td>
  +        <font size="-1">
  +        <xsl:variable name="href">
  +          <xsl:value-of select="@href"/>
  +        </xsl:variable>
  +        <a href="{$href}"><xsl:value-of select="@name"/></a>
  +        </font>
  +      </td>
  +    </tr>
  +  </xsl:template>
  +  <!-- Process a document body -->
  +  <xsl:template match="body">
  +    <xsl:apply-templates/>
  +  </xsl:template>
  +  <!-- Process a documentation section -->
  +  <xsl:template match="section">
  +    <xsl:choose>
  +      <xsl:when test="@href">
  +        <xsl:variable name="href">
  +          <xsl:value-of select="@href"/>
  +        </xsl:variable>
  +        <a name="{$href}"></a>
  +      </xsl:when>
  +    </xsl:choose>
  +    <table border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5" width="100%">
  +      <tr><td bgcolor="{$banner-bg}">
  +        <font color="{$banner-fg}" face="arial,helvetica,sanserif" size="+1">
  +          <strong><xsl:value-of select="@name"/></strong>
  +        </font>
  +      </td></tr>
  +      <tr><td>
  +        <blockquote>
  +          <xsl:apply-templates/>
  +        </blockquote>
  +      </td></tr>
  +    </table>
  +  </xsl:template>
  +  <!-- Process a documentation subsection -->
  +  <xsl:template match="subsection">
  +    <xsl:choose>
  +      <xsl:when test="@href">
  +        <xsl:variable name="href">
  +          <xsl:value-of select="@href"/>
  +        </xsl:variable>
  +        <a name="{$href}"></a>
  +      </xsl:when>
  +    </xsl:choose>
  +    <table border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5" width="100%">
  +      <tr><td bgcolor="{$banner-bg}">
  +        <font color="{$banner-fg}" face="arial,helvetica,sanserif">
  +          <strong><xsl:value-of select="@name"/></strong>
  +        </font>
  +      </td></tr>
  +      <tr><td>
  +        <blockquote>
  +          <xsl:apply-templates/>
  +        </blockquote>
  +      </td></tr>
  +    </table>
  +  </xsl:template>
  +  <!-- Process a tag library section -->
  +  <xsl:template match="taglib">
  +    <table border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5" width="100%">
  +      <tr><td bgcolor="{$banner-bg}">
  +        <font color="{$banner-fg}" face="arial,helvetica,sanserif" size="+1">
  +          <strong><xsl:value-of select="display-name"/></strong>
  +        </font>
  +      </td></tr>
  +      <tr><td>
  +        <blockquote>
  +          <xsl:apply-templates select="info"/>
  +        </blockquote>
  +      </td></tr>
  +      <tr><td>
  +        <blockquote>
  +          <table border="1" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
  +            <tr>
  +              <th width="15%">Tag Name</th>
  +              <th>Description</th>
  +            </tr>
  +            <xsl:for-each select="tag">
  +              <tr>
  +                <td align="center">
  +                  <xsl:variable name="name">
  +                    <xsl:value-of select="name"/>
  +                  </xsl:variable>
  +                  <a href="#{$name}"><xsl:value-of select="name"/></a>
  +                </td>
  +                <td>
  +                  <xsl:value-of select="summary"/>
  +                </td>
  +              </tr>
  +            </xsl:for-each>
  +          </table>
  +        </blockquote>
  +      </td></tr>
  +    </table>
  +    <xsl:apply-templates select="tag"/>
  +  </xsl:template>
  +  <!-- Process an individual tag -->
  +  <xsl:template match="tag">
  +    <xsl:variable name="name">
  +      <xsl:value-of select="name"/>
  +    </xsl:variable>
  +    <a name="{$name}"></a>
  +    <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
  +      <tr><td bgcolor="{$banner-bg}">
  +        <font color="{$banner-fg}" face="arial,helvetica,sanserif">
  +          <strong><xsl:value-of select="name"/></strong> -
  +          <xsl:value-of select="summary"/>
  +        </font>
  +      </td></tr>
  +      <tr><td>
  +        <blockquote>
  +          <xsl:apply-templates select="info"/>
  +        </blockquote>
  +      </td></tr>
  +      <xsl:if test="not(@document-attributes)">
  +        <xsl:call-template name="document-tag-attributes" />
  +      </xsl:if>
  +      <xsl:if test="@document-attributes='true'">
  +        <xsl:call-template name="document-tag-attributes" />
  +      </xsl:if>
  +    </table>
  +  </xsl:template>
  +  <!-- Create the table of documentation for a tag -->
  +  <xsl:template name="document-tag-attributes">
  +    <tr><td>
  +      <blockquote>
  +        <table border="1" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
  +          <tr>
  +            <th width="15%">Attribute Name</th>
  +            <th>Description</th>
  +          </tr>
  +          <xsl:for-each select="attribute">
  +            <tr>
  +              <td align="center">
  +                <xsl:value-of select="name"/>
  +              </td>
  +              <td>
  +                <xsl:apply-templates select="info"/>
  +                <xsl:variable name="required">
  +                  <xsl:value-of select="required"/>
  +                </xsl:variable>
  +                <xsl:if test="required='true'">
  +                  [Required]
  +                </xsl:if>
  +                <xsl:if test="rtexprvalue='true'">
  +                  [RT Expr]
  +                </xsl:if>
  +              </td>
  +            </tr>
  +          </xsl:for-each>
  +        </table>
  +      </blockquote>
  +    </td></tr>
  +  </xsl:template>
  +  <!-- Process an individual paragraph -->
  +  <xsl:template match="p">
  +    <p><xsl:apply-templates/><br/></p>
  +  </xsl:template>
  +  <!-- Process a task list section -->
  +  <xsl:template match="task-list">
  +    <xsl:choose>
  +      <xsl:when test="@href">
  +        <xsl:variable name="href">
  +          <xsl:value-of select="@href"/>
  +        </xsl:variable>
  +        <a name="{$href}"></a>
  +      </xsl:when>
  +    </xsl:choose>
  +    <table border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5" width="100%">
  +      <tr><td bgcolor="{$banner-bg}">
  +        <font color="{$banner-fg}" face="arial,helvetica,sanserif" size="+1">
  +          <xsl:value-of select="@name"/>
  +        </font>
  +      </td></tr>
  +      <tr><td>
  +        <xsl:apply-templates select="info"/>
  +      </td></tr>
  +      <tr><td>
  +        <blockquote>
  +          <table border="1" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5" width="100%">
  +            <tr>
  +              <th width="75%">Description</th>
  +              <th width="25%">Volunteer</th>
  +            </tr>
  +            <xsl:apply-templates select="task"/>
  +          </table>
  +        </blockquote>
  +      </td></tr>
  +    </table>
  +  </xsl:template>
  +  <!-- Process an individual task (in a TODO list) -->
  +  <xsl:template match="task">
  +    <tr>
  +      <td>
  +        <xsl:choose>
  +          <xsl:when test="@name">
  +            <em><xsl:value-of select="@name"/></em>.
  +          </xsl:when>
  +        </xsl:choose>
  +        <xsl:value-of select="info"/>
  +      </td>
  +      <td><xsl:value-of select="assigned"/></td>
  +    </tr>
  +  </xsl:template>
  +  <!-- Process everything else by just passing it through -->
  +  <xsl:template match="*|@*">
  +    <xsl:copy>
  +      <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|*|text()"/>
  +    </xsl:copy>
  +  </xsl:template>

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