
I've been having trouble getting exceptions handled usefully when they occur within jsps called via tiles:insert tags.

I've tracked the code down to:


where this exception handling code is called:

protected void processException(Throwable ex, String msg) throws JspException {
try {
if (msg == null)
msg = ex.getMessage();
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { // show full trace
log.debug(msg, ex);
ex.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(pageContext.getOut(), true));
} else { // show only message
} // end if
} catch (IOException ioex) { // problems. Propagate original exception
throw new JspException(msg);

my understanding of this code is that no exception will be passed to the enclosing jsp page. If an excption occurs, a simple error message will appear in the enclosing page. If debug is enabled for the Logger "org.apache.struts.taglib.tiles.InsertTag" then the stack is filled in too. Am I right?

If so, would it be better to enable excptions to be cascaded up, enabling exception management in a more application specific manner? e.g. making use of the error-page elements in the web.xml

I'd like to be able to log the error centrally and display to the user a meaningful error page.


p.s. thanks to all the development team. Struts seriously reduces devlopment time and increases the quality of applications built with it.

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