The bean:page tag is not one of the tags listed as not being ported into struts-el 
( This means that bean:page can 
do something struts-el cannot. Will someone point out to me what this is? I wrote a 
test JSP and cannot find any functionality of the page tag that cannot be reproduced 
with the JSTL set tag and the EL.

My test jsp is below. The output I get is true in all cases.

Derek Richardson

<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="/tags/jstl-core" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="b" uri="/tags/struts-bean" %>

<b:page id="a1" property="application" />
<b:page id="b1" property="config" />
<b:page id="c1" property="request" />
<b:page id="d1" property="response" />
<b:page id="e1" property="session" />

<c:set var="a2" value="${pageContext.servletContext}" />
<c:set var="b2" value="${pageContext.servletConfig}" />
<c:set var="c2" value="${pageContext.request}" />
<c:set var="d2" value="${pageContext.response}" />
<c:set var="e2" value="${pageContext.session}" />

<head><title>Test Bean Library Versus JSTL</title></head>
Application: <c:out value="${a1==a2}" /><br>
Config: <c:out value="${b1==b2}" /><br>
Request: <c:out value="${c1==c2}" /><br>
Response: <c:out value="${d1==d2}" /><br>
Session: <c:out value="${e1==e2}" /><br>

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