--- Mark McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I may have found a problem using Struts/StrutsTestCase with OC4J(9.0.4).
> Background: I'm running a StrutsTestCase that works in Resin 2.x but
> when 
> ran in OC4J I get a NullPointerException from 
> org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils.java line 1806. The problem I found 
> with both the RequestUtils.java and CactusStrutsTestCase.java are 
> illustrated below.
> The problem can be found in two places. The first is in 
> CactusStrutsTestCase.java line 417:
> String moduleName = (String)
> request.getAttribute(Common.INCLUDE_SERVLET_PATH);
> if (moduleName.endsWith("/"))
>      moduleName = moduleName.substring(0,moduleName.lastIndexOf("/"));
> In resin 2.X this runs correctly with moduleName being initialized to ""
> even if the attribute is not found.
> In oc4j 9.0.4 request.getAttribute returns "null" when an attribute is
> not 
> found. When moduleName.endsWith gets executed a NullPointerException is
> thrown.
> The second is in org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils.java introduced in 
> line 1783 blows up on line 1806:
> On line 1783 (same fundamental problem as the first error):
> String matchPath = (String) 
> request.getAttribute(RequestProcessor.INCLUDE_SERVLET_PATH);
> // matchPath is set to "" in resin matchPath is null in oc4j
> if (matchPath == null) {
>      matchPath = request.getServletPath();
>     }
>   return getModuleName( matchPath, context);
> Both calls to request.getXXX return an empty string in resin. In oc4j
> null 
> is returned.
> The error is surfaced on line 1806:
> while (prefix.equals("") && ((lastSlash = matchPath.lastIndexOf("/")) >
> 0)) {
> Since the call to getModuleName passes in null, matchPath.lastIndexOf 
> throws a NullPointerException.
> Good news is that this is open-source and I can hack the code for myself
> =). I'm curious of all the other sections of code in struts that make
> the 
> assumption that the request object will return an instantiated object
> and 
> not "null".? It appears that the servlet 2.3 specification specifies
> that 
> returning null is the correct servlet implementation.
> What is the best way to file bugs for both struts and strutstestcase?

Struts bugs are entered into bugzilla: http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/

StrutsTestCase is an independent SourceForge project.

Both of the containers you mentioned are non-free which really limits what
we can do to test the problem.  I believe the majority of us are using
Tomcat because it's the free reference implementation of the Servlet and
JSP specs.  Tomcat should implement the specs *exactly* so if it fails
there, it's most likely a Struts bug.


> Thanks in advance!
> -Mark

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