While both concern wiring code together using xml, I think the similarity
ends there.  Hivemind, from my cursory overview, seems more like another
Inversion of Control (IoC) framework like Avalon, PicoContainer, and
Spring.  It is takes services and manages their dependencies and
lifecycle, allowing the developer to organize code as a series of

Struts chain links commands together into to create a process flow.
Commands are very simple objects, like Struts Actions, implementing the
execute() method to perform its tasks.  There is no concept of service
contracts and implementations and all non-primitive dependencies, AFAIK,
are satisifed by putting them in the Context object by a previous command
rather than having the container manage service dependencies.

Since they are solving two different problems, both actually work pretty
good together.  I've been using Spring lately and have found it a great
compliment to a Struts application (http://struts.sf.net/struts-spring).
I'm sure HiveMind would also serve a similar purpose well.


On Wed, 29 Oct 2003, Vic Cekvenich wrote:

> Struts Chain... seams similar to HiveMind ?
> Am I wrong?
> .V
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