Graham Leggett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi all,

I ran into this problem a while back, worked around it, but now it is back.

Something has gone haywire with a struts web application I am trying to 
debug. When accessing an URL, I get an HTTP 400 error, with the 
explanation "The request sent by the client was syntactically incorrect 

>From my last experience with this problem, it turned out then to be a 
NullPointerException with no reason string - thus the empty string 
between the brackets. The problem is, the original exception has been 
thrown away by struts, so I have no clue where to start looking for the 

What makes you think Struts is throwing away the exception?  What was the stack trace 
for the NPE?


The cause of this issue is that all messages, including HTTP error 
codes, are being logged via commons-logging, which in this case has gone 
haywire along with the application. The correct behaviour IMHO in a 
situation where struts is in a broken state, is to pass the exception 
along with the HTTP error code to the servlet container, thus removing 
an enormous source of frustration for struts developers where a problem 
is reported seamingly by tomcat, but with no clue where the problem came 


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