--- stu robertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> First, thanks for the quick followup last week on the
> readyness of builds including ValidWhen.  I started
> testing our application against this build this
> morning.
> The one would-be showstopper for us (although we work
> around it) is that the current snapshot of
> commons-collections has a number of serialization
> bugs.  We're using decorators fairly extensively for
> type-safety.  Since they're not serializable, they
> cause NotSerializableException when returned from
> stateless session EJBs.  We're currently using a
> collections 3.0 build that we've modified to make
> these serializable.  But the Struts 1.2 nightly comes
> with the broken version.

Why are we distributing nightly builds of commons components that we rely
on?  IMO, unless we need the very latest features of commons package X we
should ship nightly Struts builds with the last released version of X.


> This bugzilla search shows the bugs we're working
> around:
> The other thing I've noticed is that the validator
> includes a number of DTDs that don't seem to match the
> files they ship with.  validator-rules.xml references
> the DTD
> "http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/dtds/validator_1_1.dtd";,
> and the distribution ships with 2 local DTDs for the
> validator, "validator-rules_1_1.dtd" and
> "validation_1_1.dtd".  Neither of these match the
> reference in the rules.xml file.  Developing behind
> our firewall, local DTDs are many developers' only
> option for validation.  If I modify the rules.xml file
> to reference either of these DTDs, errors appear.  Are
> these old DTDs, or am I missing something?
> Stu Robertson

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