--- Joe Germuska <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I know I've asked this before, and forget how it turned out, so 
> >please forgive me for asking again :)
> >
> >Would it be possible to do an example usage of the DigestingPlugin 
> >that sets up static servlet context attributes, as is done by the 
> >MemoryPlugIn in the MailReader Example?
> >
> >Of course, if you're still out of town, don't worry about responding 
> >right away. This can wait.
> I had done something like it a little before DigestingPlugin was 
> committed, but it faced the challenge that LabelValueBean didn't have 
> a no-arg constructor, and so was hard to use with Digester.

I believe I committed a fix for that issue some time ago.

> In case the commits weren't announcement enough, I changed the 
> example application so that instead of creating the "serverTypes" 
> list of LVBs in the MemoryDatabasePlugIn, that list is now created by 
> the DigestingPlugIn.
> When I have some more time, I'll look for a place in the walking tour 
> to add some information, although work is about to get real busy 
> again.
> How would people feel about putting the XML digester rules for the 
> label value beans into the Struts JAR?  I can see the argument that 
> it's not really core, and I wouldn't fight about it, but I can see 
> where it would be convenient.  

Not only is it not core functionality but it forces you to use a certain
XML structure for loading LVB objects.  I'd rather let users decide how
their XML looks when using Digester to load objects.


> For now, I just put it in WEB-INF, 
> which makes the struts-config a little cleaner (because I changed 
> DigestingPlugIn to default to looking in the servlet context if the 
> "source" of either the data XML or digester XML is not specified).
> Joe
> -- 
> Joe Germuska            
> http://blog.germuska.com    
>   "We want beef in dessert if we can get it there."
>    -- Betty Hogan, Director of New Product Development, National 
> Cattlemen's Beef Association
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