On Thu, 22 Jan 2004 01:00:55 -0600, Gary D Ashley Jr. wrote:
> .e.:  <html:link action="" module="" ...
> It seemed that if you have action="" attribute, then module="" was
> the next logical step with making struts modular.  For us, it
> certainly helped provide the glue in a very large data centric
> struts application. Large obviously relative to my situation, so
> more specifically: 20 modules, 10 state/local government agencies,
> 30 roles, 10,000 users (250 core 9am-5pm users), and 6 developers.
> It seems modular link and rewrite tags are a nice step in the right
> direction.  Well, just one perspective to consider.
> Thanks.

Well, that's an interesting idea:

<html:link module="exercise" action="welcome" />


<html:link action="/exercise/welcome" moduleRelative="false" />

The former does seem cleaner to me.

The trick being that the default value for module is the current module :)

If you've implemented one like this, tell me, where there any issues about using

<html:link module="" action="welcome" />

To indicate the "unnamed" default module?


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