Rather than add a new string utility class to Struts, which isn't really
where it should belong, I think we'd be better off just using this:


Alternatively, you could suggest (on the commons-dev list) adding a
variation of your StringHolder class, based on the join() method above, to
Commons Lang.

Martin Cooper

> -----Original Message-----
> From: nishant kumar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Saturday, February 14, 2004 5:46 PM
> Subject: string concatenation
> hi,
>       I have a performance tuning suggestion which i think will greatly
> impact the performance of struts html tags.
>       String concatenation using StringBuffer is definitely much
> better than
> using the plus operator but there are scenarios where there are much
> better ways than using StringBuffers. Actually struts html tags fall in
> those scenarios.
>       So let me give you an example. this is the code from
> renderFormStartElement method of FormTag.
> StringBuffer results = new StringBuffer();
> results.append("<form");
> results.append(" name=\"");
> results.append(beanName);
> results.append("\"");
> results.append(" method=\"");
> results.append(method == null ? "post" : method);
> results.append("\" action=\"");
> ....
> str = results.toString();
> pageContext.getOut().write(str);
>       Now lets list the issues with this.
> 1. first presizing this buffer is quite difficult (avoided in this
> case). here the buffer starts with size 16 and doubles each time the
> size is exceeded. This causes unnecessary creation of new char arrays
> and redundant copy of data whenever resizing happens.
> 2. whenever append is called data is copied from the passed string to
> the end of stringbuffer.
> 3. finally the whole concatenated data is again copied into another
> string.
> 4. and then in the end this string is written to a writer, another copy,
> which is the only copy required.
> so even if you had presized the stringbuffer correctly, you have copied
> the same data thrice instead of just once. And you also create two NOT
> needed objects.
>       so here is the solution i propose. have a class holding an array of
> Strings and keep appending strings to this array and finally print this
> array to the writer. something like this.
> private String[] data = new String[256];
> private int size = 0;
> public StringHolder append(String str){
>       ensureCapacity(this.size + 1);
>       this.data[this.size++] = str;
>       return this;
> }
> public void writeTo(Writer out) throws IOException{
>       for (int i = 0; i < this.size; i++){
>               if (this.data[i] != null){
>                       out.write(this.data[i]);
>               }
>       }
> }
> this way only the last copy takes place and you also avoid creating so
> much garbage.
> i have attached StringHolder class which does the above task and also
> the FormTag after making necessary modification to fit in this class.
> >From the code of FormTag you can see that you need to make quite few
> changes to get great benefit.
> i have also attached a better implementation of
> ResponseUtils.filter(String) method. the logic is on the same lines as
> above.
> thanks,
> nishant
> --
> nishant kumar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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