Paul Hendley - Sun Microsystems wrote:

> [snip]
> If I want to refer to multiple xml resource files containing config info, how would 
>I go
> about doing this?
> It seems my only alternative for now is to keep everything in struts-config.xml, but 
>I was
> hoping not to have to keep everything that one file.

Two approaches that I have heard about for dealing with this:

* Low tech - In your build process, use the "cat" utility to
  glue together a bunch of independently maintained segments
  of the struts-config.xml file.

* High tech - There is apparently a syntax where you can
  declare in the header of an XML document that it should
  do something akin to an "include" operation.  I'm not sure
  how well this would work inside a WAR file, however.

> tia,
> -Paul


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