Thank you very much for very detail, helpful answer.
The best wishes and good luck.

Oleg V Alexeev wrote:

> Hello Maya,
> Wednesday, February 14, 2001, 2:56:18 AM, you wrote:
> MM> 1/ Is it possible to change a language on-line. For example one user uses English
> MM> language with his browser, then he switchs to French. Can Struts handle this? I
> MM> think, in your document the properties file is loaded in the beginning
> MM> ActionServlet startup.
> JVM load all files in properties bundle at once and all this
> resources can be used in run time. Example of switching to another
> locale -
> public class ChangeLanguageAction extends Action {
>     public ActionForward perform(
>             ActionMapping mapping,
>             ActionForm form,
>             HttpServletRequest request,
>             HttpServletResponse response)
>             throws IOException, ServletException {
>         String country = ((ChangeLanguageForm) form).getCountry();
>         String language = ((ChangeLanguageForm) form).getLanguage();
>         String source = ((ChangeLanguageForm) form).getSource();
>         HttpSession session = request.getSession();
>         ActionForward forward = null;
>         setLocale( request, new Locale( language, country ) );
>         if( source==null )
>          forward = (mapping.findForward("success"));
>         else {
>          forward = new RedirectingActionForward();
>          forward.setPath( source );
>         }
>         return forward;
>     }
> }
> MM> 2/ How replace images with a text through properties file? (I think this question
> MM> was posted already).
>   You can store image file names in properties in use it in <img> tags
>   - <img src='<bean:message key="picture.cat.english"/>'>
>   <img src='<bean:message key="picture.cat.french"/>'>
>   May be I not understand your 2/ question... Explane please, if so.
> --
> Best regards,
>  Oleg                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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