Title: If property !=null tag?
I used the <ifPropertyNotEquals> tag like this:
<struts:ifPropertyNotEquals name="ViewOrderForm"
                            value="" >
It seems to work fine.  The property orderLI is an array which if there is no value in it returns null to the JSP.  I don't think this tag is documented for some reason.  I'm using struts version 0.5.  If there is a better way I'd like to hear about it!
Chris Evans
Canlink Interactive Technologies
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2001 6:30 AM
Subject: If property !=null tag?


i want a part of my JSP code to be ignored, if a property in my Actionbean is null.
Any idea for this in struts without too much JSP code ?

Thanks in advance,


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