See intermixing.


"Fickes, Vic" wrote:

> I am trying to get the Components tutorial to run and am having a problem.
> I'm using WebLogic5.1SP8 with the additional fixes from Matthias Kerkoff
> (many thanks).  The Struts example runs fine and most (but not all) of the
> Jakarta taglibs examples run fine, so I think I finally have my environment
> set up correctly.
> When I run the Components tutorial, I get this error:
> Tue Feb 13 18:17:42 EST 2001:<I> <WebAppServletContext-comps-tutorial>
> resolving taglib uri '/WEB-INF/components.tld' to taglib-location
> /WEB-INF/components.tld:
> Tue Feb 13 18:17:43 EST 2001:<I> <WebAppServletContext-comps-tutorial>
> resolving taglib uri '/WEB-INF/struts-logic.tld' to taglib-location
> /WEB-INF/struts-logic.tld:
> [Exception in:/common/menuViewSrc.jsp] (line -1): Error in tag library at:
> 'logic': The Tag class 'org.apache.struts.taglib.logic.EqualTag' has no
> setter method  corresponding to TLD declared attribute 'scope', (JSP 1.1
> spec, 5.4.1)
> weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspException: (line -1): Error in tag library at:
> 'logic': The Tag class 'org.apache.struts.taglib.logic.EqualTag' has no
> setter method  corresponding to TLD declared attribute 'scope', (JSP 1.1
> spec, 5.4.1)
> This would appear to be an error in the Struts logic tag implementation (for
> whatever version of Struts was used in the tutorial app).  Is this correct,
> or am I doing something else wrong?

  It is correct, it seem to come from the struts logic tag that don't run on WL
  I have recompile Components distribution with Struts 20000214, and all seem to
  You can test Components tags lib by invoking comps-doc/test/testAll.jsp. If
this page looks correct, components must run correctly.
  If Components latest distribution contains an older version of Struts, you can
take the latest Struts version
  and replace struts.jar and struts-*.tld file in Compoenents example and

> Also, are there any test applications available for the Struts Framework
> beans, similar to the ones that come with the Jakarta taglibs?  If there are
> I haven't run into them yet.

Struts comes with 'struts-test.war', Have you check it ?

> Thanks,
> ===================================================================
> Victor Fickes                   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Northrop Grumman PRB Systems
> 43865 Airport View Drive        301-373-2388 x106 (voice mail)
> Hollywood, MD 20636             301-373-2360 (receptionist)
> ===================================================================

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