Hi Craig,

Our web-app looks like:                                
   ActionServletModule1    ActionServletModule2  ...

All of the controllers are living in the same web-app.
The main controller is the only instance which knows about all the
The communication between a module controller and the main controller is
Each of the controllers has its own set of JSP/HTML-pages which are located
in its own subfolders.
The file structure looks like: %web-app%\
                                        'main' ui

                                                 'module1' ui
                                                 'module2' ui

The reasons for the modularisation are:
1. each module can exist in its own web-app 
2. each module is developed by a different group

Each module has ist own extension-mapping. So the requests with the
extension *.main are served by the ActionServletMain, and *.m1  by the
ActionServletModule1 and so on.

You mentioned:
Craig::>>servlet context attributes set up by the ActionServlet instances
that started first to 
Craig::>>be wiped out by the attributes created
Craig::>>in the ActionServlet instance that started last ...

Since we are using Struts just as a controller framework and are NOT using
any Struts tags, 
are we on the safe side ?
What are the smoking guns in such a model ?

The attributes, that the ActionServlet is setting in the application and in
the session scope (like Locale ) are 
they required for the controller part of Struts or for  the Struts-tags ?

Best Regards, fm

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