On Mon, Feb 19, 2001 at 04:16:55PM -0600, Qiqi Dong wrote:
> I have a problem need help.
> I have many webapps. Everytime I update struts.jar, I have to do it for
> every WEB-INFs, it's . I tried to place the struts.jar in Tomcat's lib, got
> the following. Is there a way to have just one copy of struts.jar somewhere
> for all the applications?

Hold a "master copy" of struts.jar and put only symbolic links to it
into your webapps/{app}/WEB-INF/lib (on unix - on windows I think
"alias" would work but don't know). If you are brave enough you
can try tomcat 3.3m1, which has a directory to hold jars shared by
more webapps. I think the same holds for tomcat4, too. Don't know
of other servlet containers what can be done there.          incze

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