Which version of struts are you using ? Back on Feb 02 a change was made
to BaseTag dealing with port 80.


Rick Smith wrote:
> I've been going over the example application and can't for the life of
> me find where the :80 is appended to the URL when going through Apache.
> When the starting URL is http://localhost/struts-example the page comes
> up with :80 added after localhost. When I click on a link with :80 in it
> I end up back at the logon page. If I remove the :80 the link takes me
> to the correct page. I've spent some time looking through the code and
> config files and haven't found anything to explain either how to get rid
> of the :80 or how to make the app work with :80. If someone could point
> me in the direction of the doc or code that is related to this or
> enlighten me in some way I would appreciate it. Thanks.
> Rick

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