Also, the type ahead features and code wizards of some IDEs (like JBuilder and
JDeveloper) benefit greatly from having the source code.  JDev is able to popup
parameter lists with actual parameter names as opposed to p0, p1, ... pn.  Also,
when using the Override methods wizard, it can copy the superclass method's
javadoc statement into place for the new method.


Mark R Mascolino
The Procter & Gamble Co.

 Internet Mail Message                                          
 Received from host:                                            

                   "Craig R. McClanahan"                                               
          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                To:  
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                               
                                                cc:     (bcc: Mark Mascolino-MR/PGI)   
                       02/25/01 10:49 PM        Subject:     Re: Why is source code in 
the struts binary                  
           Please respond to struts-user                                               

Robert Leland wrote:

> Hi,
> I have always wondered why struts source code is in
> the binary release ? Is this used as documentation ?
> -Rob

Three primary reasons:

* As a reminder that this is open source -- you don't have to
  rely on just the JAR files and documentation.

* In case you have a question about how a particular tag
  or other function is implemented, you can look and see
  without having to download the source distribution.

* In many cases, classes in struts.jar are designed to be
  subclassed so you can customize their behavior.  This is
  much easier if you can see the actual source, not just the


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