I'm using the logic:present tag to avoid displaying a section of a 
html:form if a particular bean is missing.  Given the documentation, I expected

     <logic:present scope="session" name="myBean" property="myProperty">

to behave something like this (in pseudocode):

     if (session.getAttribute("myBean") != null &&
         session.getAttribute("myBean").getMyProperty() != null)
                 // Display the body of the logic:present tag

but instead, it seems to behave like this:

     if (session.getAttribute("myBean").getMyProperty() != null)
                 // Display the body of the logic:present tag

The problem this causes is that if I specify a property and my session bean 
doesn't exist, I get a ServletException that complains "Cannot find bean 
myBean in scope session".  In order to get the behavior I expect, it looks 
like I have to nest some logic:present tags like this:

     <logic:present scope="session" name="myBean">
         <logic:present scope="session" name="myBean" property="myProperty">

Which, of course, looks unnecessarily redundant.  Is this behavior as 
intended, or is this a bug?  If the behavior changed to the form I 
expected, would this cause any existing user code to break?


Mike McCallister

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