I wrote an application with a JSP to create Employee to database tables( using 
an action class ) and a JSP to list all employee in database. And the display of the 
latter JSP follows another action class( called ListEmployee ) , which retrieves data 
from database and construct a collection object in the request scope . The JSP looks 
like :
<table width="75%" border="1">
        <logic:iterate id="it" name="_EmployeeList">
        <td><bean:write name="it" property="id" /></td>
        <td><bean:write name="it" property="name" /></td>
        <td><bean:write name="it" property="age" /></td>
        <td><bean:write name="it" property="salary" /></td>
        <td><bean:write name="it" property="company.name" /></td>
        When I display the list first time , it looks ok . But when I click the link 
again , it just return a blank page for me.Only restart will solve the problem( but 
that means I could only display once ).Could anyone tell me the reason and how to 
resolve it?

            [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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