If the objects I am storing in my hashtable are of a bean type how would I access the 
properties of the bean in iterate? e.g., if the bean has get methods for properties 
Code, name, countryName, etc. I want to display these thru iterate tag on my JSP.


-----Original Message-----
From: Pope, Tracy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 8:41 AM
Subject: RE: How do I iterate thru a hashtable using iterate tag?

Craig answered a similar question on Sunday.  I think it might help you,
there he stated:

    When you iterate over a Hashtable (or any other Map), the elements of 
    the iteration are of class "Map.Entry", which has two properties --
    "key" and "value".

The other posting did not appear to need a Hashtable and he further
suggested the possible use of an ArrayList, etc.  If that would work in your
situation it might simplify your problem.


-----Original Message-----
From: Shamdasani Nimmi-ANS004 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 2:34 PM
Subject: How do I iterate thru a hashtable using iterate tag?


Could someone please tell me what I am doing wrong below:

user is a bean in session scope in my JSP and its getSuppliers() method
returns a hashtable where keys are Suppliers Ids and elements are Supplier

<logic:iterate collection="<%= user.getSuppliers() %>" id="supplier"

<TD><bean:write name="supplier" property="seq_nbr" scope="page" /></TD>
<TD><bean:write name="supplier" property="name" scope="page" /></TD>
<TD><bean:write name="supplier" property="country_name" scope="page" /></TD>


I had the following code earlier and that was working.

        Hashtable hashTable = (Hashtable) user.getSuppliers();
        for (Enumeration e = hashTable.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
        SupplierBean supplier = (SupplierBean) e.nextElement();


<TD><%= supplier.getCode() %></FONT></TD>
<TD><%= supplier.getName() %></TD>
<TD><%= supplier.getCountryName() %></FONT></TD>

<% } %>

Thanks in advance.


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