I am confused how to architect in struts a form that has
multiple checkboxes where several can be checked and i need
to iterate through the results.

problem :
user has designed form [a table] with several columns that
identify an item(s) from a datasource and a checkbox column.

when the <xxxAction> receives the <xxxForm>, i need to
discover, if one or more of the checkbox's were checked,
iterate through each one checked.
on each iteration, need to determine which item it belongs
to and "map" the checkbox checked to the actual data from
the datasource.

partial solution:
have iterator produce table.
create pairs of named checkboxes and named "hidden" input
fields with the values set to the unique identifier in the
<%! private int someiterator = 0; %>
     <input type="checkbox" name="cbx<%= someiterator %>"
     value=<struts:htmlProperty name="company"
property="someId" />>

     <input type=hidden
            name="cbxvalue<%= someiterator %>"
           value=<struts:htmlProperty name="dataBean"
property="dataBeanId" />

but how do i get these values (cbx0, cbx1 and
cbxvalue0=<blah>, cbxvalue1=<blah>) back into <xxxForm>,

this seems very un-struts-like. what would be the proper
solution in struts? i have currently developed in .05

this looks *very* similar to a december 17 2000, "Checkbox
Issue" item in the archive but i don't see an answer.

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