What Craig is saying here seems inconsistant with the docs for iterate:
   ... a Map (whose values are to be iterated over), ...

However you could add this line right inside of the loop
<bean:define id="supplier" name="supplierMapEntry" property="value" 

Also you would need to change the id in the iterate to "supplierMapEntry"


> Martin,
> According to Craig's email:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> When you iterate over a Hashtable (or any other Map), the elements of
> the iteration are of class "Map.Entry", which has two properties --
> "key" and "value".
>     <logic:iterate id="impl" name="loadImpl" property="impl">
>         The curent value is <bean:write name="impl" property="value"/>
>     </logic:iterate>
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Since the "value" in my case is of the type SupplierBean how would I get access to 
>the properties 
> of SupplierBean?
> -Nimmi

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