This is how we do it...(I think the work simple should be ommitted)
Get the content at the top of the JSP page.
pageContext.setAttribute("nameSuffixTypes", getServletContext().getAttribute("nameSuffixTypes"));
Place this where you want the Drop Down List on the JSP page.
<html:select property="suffix">
       <html:options collection="nameSuffixTypes" property="value" labelProperty="label" /> 
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2001 8:42 AM
Subject: Drop-down list

What is the simplest way to dynamically create a drop-down list (<select>) that pulls values from a database?  Is there a specific tag I should use?  Iterator?

Kyle Robinson
Systems Consultant
Pangaea Systems Inc.
(250) 360-0111


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