Several guys suggested to replace a lot of tags in one JSP to several JSPs, and
make the first one with <@ include file=.../>

Marc Ellison wrote:

> Hi,
> I have been getting a very interesting error folks ;-)
> I have constructed a jsp file that uses ALOT of struts-defined tags, and
> which I have running with Tomcat.  Initially the page would not work so I
> commented out a lot of the code.  The page now works to an extent, but as
> soon as I try to uncomment any of the other struts tags it throws this error
> message.....
> javax.servlet.ServletException: (class:
> _0002fdemographicDetails_0002ejspdemographicDetails_jsp_73, method:
> _jspService signature:
> (Ljavax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest;Ljavax/servlet/http/HttpServletRespo
> nse;)V)
> I have looked in the mail archive and one guy suggested changing the values
> of the stack/memory allocation pools to a higher value as it couldn't cope
> with the number of tags.  However, I still get the same error. Has anybody
> encountered a similar problem....if so please HELP!!
> Kind regards
> Marc

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