I've now got the <logic:iterate ...> tag to work, but I'm confused about how it
works with the collection attribute. I've seen examples for people where they

        <logic:iterate id="bean" collection="<%= someObject.getValues() %>">
                ... do something with bean ...

but the documentation


indicates that it should be used thus:

        <logic:iterate id="bean" collection="<% someObject.getValues() %>">
                ... do something with bean ...

The difference here being the "=" inside the scriptlet for the collection attribute.
When I don't have the "=" as the documentation suggests, I get

        Unable to convert a String to java.lang.Object for attribute collectio

and if I do use the "=", which seem to be the correct way, looking at the generated
Java code, I get the correct response.

Kumera - a new Open Source Content Management System
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