
I had some hard nights fighting with exactly this problem and got a solution
wich is not very elegant but works...

<html:form action="/formAction.do">
<table border="1" width="100%">
// some headings for the table
  <% int i = 0; %>
  <logic:iterate name="Bean" property="beanItems" id="anything">
          <html:text name="Bean" property='<%= "beanItems[" + i + "].amount"
        $<bean:write name="Bean" property='<%= "beanItems[" + i + "].total"
%>' filter="true" />
        <html:checkbox name="Bean" property='<%= "beanItems[" + i +
"].checkbox" %>'/>
     <% i++; %>

As you see, you use the collektion of your formbean directly. The Bean needs
properties, getter and setter Methods according to the Javabean-Spec whats
the reason to change BeanItems to beanItems!

private Collection beanItems;
public Item getBeanItems(int index)
public void setBeanItems(int index, Item item)
public Item[] getBeanItems()
public void setBeanItems(Item[] items)

It's also important to configure your formbean with scope="session" in
Struts-config and never to destroy your Collection in the reset-Method! The
HTML for the input field will show like this: <input type="text"
name="beanItems[0].amount" value="123">

After submit Struts uses the following setter Method:
Bean.getBeanItems(0).setAmount("123"); As struts use the getBeanItems(i)
Method to get yor Item-Objects, there is no chance to create them in the
request-scope. There must be held from the moment you establish your
beanItems-Collection for output till the submit of the user in

Hope that helps


JOEL VOGT schrieb:

> Hi all,
> I have a html form on a jsp page. This form has a table generated by the
> logic iterate tag.
> In each table row, there are two fields, one a checkbox and the other a
> text field.
> What I want is when the user clicks 'submit' all the values are sent to
> an action form for storing and then to my servlet for processing.
> How do I make a form that will automatically be populated by all these
> values? In other words I'm stuffed please help ;)
> Thanks, Joel.
> Sample jsp:
> <html:form action="/formAction.do">
> <table border="1" width="100%">
> // some headings for the table
>   <logic:iterate name="Bean" property="BeanItems" id="bean">
>       <tr>
>         <td>
>           <html:text name="bean" property="amount"/>
>         </td>
>         <td>
>         $<bean:write name="bean" property="total" filter="true" />
>         </td>
>         <td>
>         <html:checkbox name="bean" property="checkbox"/>
>         </td>
>         <td>
>      </tr>
>   </logic:iterate>
>   </table>
>    <html:submit/>
> </html:form>
> How do I get these values into a form then servlet then database?

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