Good grief, I've spent half the evening trying to understand the "proper 
way" in Struts to present the user with a pre-populated editable form 
(using ActionForm, a JSP page, and an Action). And, I am not even 
certain I have it figured out quite yet.

My first point, is that the struts-example of editing a form (the 
RegistrationForm and the EditRegistrationAction classes) is pretty bad, 
or should I say, hard to follow.

This is how I THINK I have the example figured out, and I'd appreciate 
it if someone could correct me where I'm wrong --

1. The process is initiated via a hyperlink in mainMenu.jsp, directly to 
the EditRegistrationAction action, and without any form submission.
2. EditRegistrationAction's ActionMapping (in struts-config.xml) is 
configured to use the RegistrationForm as it's ActionForm, but with 
3. EditRegistrationAction notices that the process() parameter "form" is 
null, and therefore creates a form, populates it, and saves in the 
request scope, and then forwards to the JSP page "registration.jsp".
4. registration.jsp displays the populated form, which is eventually 
re-submitted back to EditRegistrationAction and saved to disk.

Is this right? Now, I believe I have spotted a hole in this design -- 
that is, since the ActionMapping for EditRegistrationAction has 
"validate=false" in it, then the validate() method for the 
RegistrationForm is never called. This means that, while validation 
occured at user signup time, it is not validating their edits. This 
seems wrong to me. But how to rectify it? I know why you have set 
validate=false, it's to let the ActionForm through without errors on the 
first pass (since all it's fields are blank). Should we be manually 
calling form.validate() from within the action class, in this instance?

Confused, tired, and with aching head,


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