        I tried this with no success. I put two html:image tags into my

<tr><td></td><td><html:image page="/images/lanikai.jpg" property =
"login" value="lanikai" /><td></tr>
<tr><td></td><td><html:image page="/images/larry.jpg" property = "login"
value="larry" /><td></tr>
In the perform method of LoginAction.java I traverse the Enumeration
returned by request.getParameters() looking for a parameter named login.
It's not there. :-(

Here's the code:

       java.util.Enumeration enum = request.getParameterNames();
        while( enum.hasMoreElements() ){
            String str = (String) enum.nextElement();
            System.out.println( str + " => " + request.getParameter( str
) );
and the output:

course => pebblebeach
login.y => 147
login.x => 129

I have a html:select named course set to pebblebeach. I DO get the
mouseclick x and y values. So, I'm seeing something from my login

I don't see what I'm doing wrong.


john ware

-----Original Message-----
From: Ted Husted [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, April 13, 2001 12:59 PM
Subject: Re: REPOST: How to code and use the html:image tag?

The property and value for the button is passed as a parameter
(property=value), that you can retrieve from the request context. 

A typical approach would be to give each button the same property but
different values, like 

<html:image page="/images/login.gif" alt="Login" property="login"
value="havePassword" />
<html:image page="/images/forgotpassword.gif" alt="Forgot Password"
property="login" value="forgotPassword" />

Then in the action method, you would use a pattern like 

string loginType = request.getParameter("login") ;
if loginType.equals(""forgotPassword") { forward to forgotPassword page
if loginType.equals("havePassword") { validate password  } 

"Suriyanarayanan, Senthil Kumar" wrote:
> What methods should I code inside my LoginForm corresponding to those two
> buttons? How to code the properties (loginButton, forgotPasswordButton).
> more concerned about whether a particular button is clicked rather then
> their co-ordinates.

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