On Wed, 11 Apr 2001, Ned Seagoon wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I have a problem with relative urls. If I have an entry like
> <action    path="/showDetails" type="xxxx">
>  <forward name="success" path="/details/show.jsp" />
> </action>
> and then /details/show.jsp starts to use relative paths, then things like
> images do not get found, because the browser believes the file is actually
> from the directory "/" (from the /showDetails.do).
> Is there some kind of way around this? I know there are a few tags I can
> use, but the problem is dreamweaver is not going to let me do that kind of
> thing easily, and it could be a big problem with css links in the page.
> Cheers
> Ned

Try including an <html:base/> tag in the <head> section of your
page.  This generates a corresponding HTML <base> element that tells the
browser to use the URL of the JSP page, rather than the action to which
you submitted the previous form, as the starting point for resolving
relative references.


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