I'm really happy with this, me myself was on this move. My motivation
was simple. In my application I have to manufacture form-based files,
so needed a general purpose template engine. So, I started to stare
tea and velocity as template engines capable rendering not only web
pages but fill-in file templates, too. Somehow it seemed to be
too much to keep booth JSP-s and the other template engine, so started
to find ways to replace JSP. I think, many goodies remain duplicate
even this way, everybody has it's own introspection e.g. The "commons"
project seems to arrive just in time (or a bit late) to me.      incze

On Mon, Apr 16, 2001 at 12:58:43AM -0400, Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
> Velocity is a general template engine that is well suited for the View
> layer in web applications.  It is considered an excellent alternative to
> JSP.   Velocity is a Jakarta project just like Struts, and has it's
> homepage at :
>   http://jakarta.apache.org/velocity/
> I have been exploring the possiblity of using Velocity templates in the
> Struts framework, and would like to invite any interested Struts users
> and developers to participate.
> Currently, I have it far enough where the struts-example has been
> converted, and for the most part works 100% like the original.  There is
> support for :
> 1) Integration of normal velocity templates (*.vm) into the Struts
> action/forward framework.  These templates can co-exist with JSPs in the
> same application.
> 2) The excellent Struts message resource management.
> 3) The Struts Action error system.
> The package doesn't modify or replace any Struts code, so there will be
> no disruption of your normal application development.
> I am looking to guage interest in this continuing, and having people try
> out Velocity in their Struts-based application.  Further,  I am very
> interested in re-purposing the taglibs for general Velocity use, so
> actual use cases will be good to drive that forward.
> If you are interested, the package can be found in the Velocity CVS
> under
>   jakarta-velocity/contrib/temporary/struts-velocity
> Please read the README.txt for any interesting build or other notes.
> The example, bundled as a WAR and tested on Tomcat 4.0 an Tomcat 3.2.1,
> can be found at 
>   http://jakarta.apache.org/builds/jakarta-velocity/contrib/struts/
> I look forward to working with you.
> geir
> P.S.  Note - I said 'alternative to...' rather than 'replacement
> for...'.  Some of you may be familiar with the debate over JSP vs
> template engines(specifically Velocity and WebMacro), and may be
> familiar with some of the provocative information we have on the
> Velocity web site regarding this issue.
> I am not interested in that debate with this - I simply am interested in
> seeing Velocity as a choice for web development specifically here in the
> Struts framework, interested in evolving Velocity through comparison
> with other technologies [yes, I will steal every good idea I see :-)  ],
> and understanding more about approaches to web development frameworks.
> So be nice :)
> -- 
> Geir Magnusson Jr.                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Developing for the web?  See http://jakarta.apache.org/velocity/

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