I apologize in advance if this topic has come up before, but ...

I'm building a Struts JSP page containing a form.  I've noticed that the 
HTML tags typically do not require the specification of a "name" attribute 
in order to retrieve property values from a bean.  If the name isn't 
specified, the property value is retrieved from the bean associated with 
the form.  However, logic tags require the use of the name attribute in 
order to retrieve a property.  Isn't there some way that the logic tags 
could look to see if there is a bean "in scope" and use that bean to 
retrieve property values from if no name attribute is specified?  The 
problem I have is this, I have a portion of a form which is common to more 
than one form.  I would like to factor out the common stuff into an include 
file of some sort.  However, the common stuff makes use of a logic tag 
(notEqual).  I can't factor out this code because I have to explicitly 
reference a specific bean name in order for this code to work.  However, my 
various forms have different bean names associated with them.  It's not a 
terribly big deal, but it seems as if the name attribute shouldn't have to 
be required if some sort of "default" bean is available for the page.


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