
I have a couple of buttons on a web page, all with the same property but
with a different value. I want to be able to submit that form and then have
my actionservlet figure out what to do depending on which one of the buttons
the user select.

I have a web page with image buttons as follows:

<html:form method="GET" action="wrSubmit">
<html:image page="/Images/cancel.gif" alt="Cancel" property="action"
value="cancel" />
<html:image page="/Images/exit.gif" alt="Exit" property="action"
value="exit" />
<html:image page="/Images/create.gif" alt="Create" property="action"
value="create" />
<html:image page="/Images/modify.gif" alt="Modify" property="action"
value="modify" />

In my action class regardless of which button I press the code below always
resolves to null.

String theAction = request.getParameter("action") ;

Any ideas what I am doing wrong?



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