
So far, my work with setting up a RowSet rather than a ResultSet consists of
the following:

1. Reworking the DBTags ResultSetTag (and all nested tags) to use
javax.sql.RowSet instead of ResultSet.

2. Reworking the ResultSetTag to grab a RowSet object out of a given context
(page, request, session, application), instead of relying on a parent tag
generated Statement.  The idea here is that some other code (servlet, struts
action, etc) will create the result set and shove it into the scoped

This doesn't really constitute much original work on my part.  But it does
allow me to create the RowSet in the EJB layer.  I have created a session
bean that will take a sql string, create the RowSet, and pass it back.

I can pass this along, however, I think it would be in the best interest of
the taglibs community to somehow integrate what I have with the current
result set implementation.  In all actuality, I don't HAVE to use a RowSet.
Since RowSet implements ResultSet, I could have just modified the ResultSet
tag to somehow 'know' when to use a parent Statement or get an existing
result set from the pageContext (which is what I do now).

As far as struts is concerned, I would be curious to know how you would see
RowSet tags integrating with it.  Is the idea that you would map or bind a
struts form field to a RowSet column?

I'll get started by joining the taglibs-dev mailing list.

I can send you my source set for the RowSet stuff I've done, but it is far
from ready for prime time.

Let me know,


----- Original Message -----
From: "Ted Husted" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2001 12:00 PM
Subject: Re: Determining odd-even table rows

> I'd be extremely interested in a tag that rolls through a RowSet.
> The Jakarta DBTags work directly with result sets. I'm not aware of any
> support for RowSets there. So, you may want to start by contributing it
> there, perhaps as an addition to the existing DBTags library.
> Meanwhile, providing direct support in Struts for RowSets would be a
> Very Good Thing. If we can enhance the HTML tags to work as easily with
> RowSets as they do with ActionForm beans, we could eliminate a layer of
> classes in many cases.
> -- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
> -- Custom Software ~ Technical Services.
> -- Tel 716 737-3463.
> -- http://www.husted.com/about/struts/

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