Hi Guys...

Lat night, after reading the article about struts in jdj, i decided to give
struts a try...
I have earlier implemented model2 frameworks in the same flavor, but not as
complete and full as struts!!
Congratulations team!!

anyway, usually when i develop i use VAJ 3,5 launching tomcat 3.2 internally
(Not the tomcat test enviroment).
If anyone has tried this combo, you know it rocks and eases development

However, i couldn't make it run like i wanted it to, apparently i had to put
struts.jar in the filesystem, as it wouldn't load from within VAJ...
The same happened with my own classes, they also had to be placed in the
filesystem before struts could load them...

I read your maling-list archives and saw that you have had this thread
before, however i wasn't able to find any solution...

Have you found any way to solve my problem???


Mikkel Bruun

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