--- Michael Schommer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi,
> I have a problem with action-Mapping in the
> J2EE-reference implementation
> (j2sdk221.3).
> In my index.jsp is the html:form definition:
>   <html:form name="TimeFormBean" action="/time.do"
> type="Time.TimeFormBean">
> but the PageSource of the resulting HTML-Page is
>   <form name="TimeFormBean" method="POST"
> action="/TimeRoot">
> it should be
>    <form name="TimeFormBean" method="POST"
> action="/TimeRoot/time.do">
> Had anybody else this problem and solved it???

I know this Problem. It's because #$@ing deploytool
changes your web.xml file. Exactly servlet mapping. 
It makes "/*.do" from "*.do" -> form
tag cannot resolve this mapping anymore. 

I worked around by using servlet mapping
like "/do/*".


Konstantin Priblouda ( ko5tik )    Freelance Software developer
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