I have some questions and was hoping someone might be able to assist me. I
am trying to configure struts with jakarta-tomcat 3.2.1 on my local machine.
My tomcat.bat file is configured to read all of the .jar files from one
location, which I assume is standard. I was wondering if I could do the same
with my .tld files. I am not sure it is good or bad practice to have all of
your .tdl files in one central location... but my thought process for doing
so would be so that I can have a repository for all tdl files vs. having
them in each application's web-inf directory. 

If this makes sense to implement... what "reserved word" or "variable" in
Jakarta if any do I use to set the path correctly? Or is this handled in the
web.xml file for each application?

Any help is appreciated.


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