Title: Referer pages and structs
Hi Shunhui,
It sounds like you need to be looking at the struts templete tags as these can use 'roles' to push different content into a page.
Hope this helps
-----Original Message-----
From: Shunhui Zhu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 22 May 2001 17:34
Subject: Permissions: read-only vs. writable version

Hi, I'm wondering whether anyone knows of a solution, prefereably via tags, to the permission problem. I have a page, but depending on the user, I'd like to present it as either read-only, or as writable, this can even be on the field-by-field level. For example, the price field, should either be presented as <input type=text> for a writable version, or simply as text for a read-only version. The not so pretty solution is to put all the <logic:equal> type of tag around the fields, but I'd like to know whether there are other solutions, such as put the logic in the <html:text> tags, or some other way.

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