I think you just need a space on each side of 'var'. Try this:

<html:select property="<%= var %>" size="1">

Hope this helps.

Martin Cooper

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "someil" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 5:42 AM
Subject: use JSP variable as a value of property in <html:select ...> tag

> Hi,
> I would like use an expression such as :
> <html:select property=<%= var%> size="1">
> but I can't do this.
> The error obtained is : "Attribute value should be quoted"
> So, I tried : <html:select property="<%= var%>" size="1">
> then it results a new error : "Attribute <% has no value"
> that is the problem?
> How can I consider a JSP variable for an attribute value?
> Thanks for your response ...
> - Cyril -

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