We currently have a business requirement to provide a "grid" type of
interface as part of many web pages in our design.  I searched the list for
Grid examples or support and did not find anything.  Has anyone implemented
a psudo grid function using Struts... that would support the following:

                        col1          col2         col3          
                        _______   _______   _______
        row 1           |______ |  |_______|  |______|
                        _______   _______   _______
        row 2           |______ |  |_______|  |______|
                        _______   _______   _______
        row 3           |______ |  |_______|  |______|
                        _______   _______   _______
        row 4           |______ |  |_______|  |______|

Essentially, i believe we are looking for a solution that supports a
2-dimensional array so we can reference it as ObjName(row,col).  I read the
iterate tag documentation, but did not seem to be well suited for
multi-dimension.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  

The additional business requirement is that we allow user to dynamically add
rows and columns... i found something on the list to support dynamically
adding rows w/iterate and some coding on the jsp, but nothing on dynamic


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