Title: struts under tomcat 3.3-m3


Just an informational note:

I have been failing to move a struts application from tomcat 3.2.2 to 3.3-m3. This seemed desirable because the new 3.3 milestone has tag pooling, and we have a good number of struts and local tags. Not only could we not deploy our app, we also could not deploy the struts-example.war under 3.3-m3.

On the tomcat list, I was informed that the 3.3 series tomcat no longer places an XML parser in the application classpath. So, according to the author there, it's either put parser.jar and jaxp.jar in the application WEB-INF/lib (or probably also in TOMCAT_HOME/lib/apps would word) or, "just use xerces".

In any event, adding jaxp and parser jar files to WEB-INF/lib allows the struts-example to deploy and run correctly. So this would probably be good to note in the server-specific deployment instructions on jakarta.apache.org.



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