Hi Guys,

        From my personal experience it would not be a bad idea for struts to
support multiple resource bundles. I will explain my reasons below.

At present struts has one resource bundle in which you can include error
messages , confirmation messages , labels on html fileds etc.... For a big
application ( like i am on right now. We are going to have > 50 jsp pages
minimum) it is quite a pain in the neck to add properties to a single file.
Besides the developers having to compete with one another to checkout the
properties file ( from source safe ) maintaining it is an another pain.

   One more problem we encountered is nested exceptions deep in the EJB's.
Trying to throw the error msgs (which ofcourse have to be internationalized)
and showing it to the user, it was somewhat of a problem to define all the
correct error messages in the same property file. After sometime we were
able to coordinate properly and get stuff back on track (without losing

   I would propose that struts 1.1 make it a standard to have separate
Resource Bundles for different categories. I do not agree with one Resource
Bundle per page as this would lead to too much confusion. 

   For example, all the error msgs would be in a Resource Bundle by
themselves. Confirmation msgs would have their own Resource Bundle. HTML
related fields will have their own Resource Bundles etc ..

   From a performance point of view which would be more efficient ? Having a
single Resource Bundle (or) Multiple Resource Bundles ? Which one can give
the user faster lookup access ? 

  At present we have close to 2000+ (properties + error msgs) in the
properties file and the number would most likely quadruple by the time we
take it to production. I would certainly like to hear your opinions on
this....esp from people who have deployed their applications...

just my 2cents



-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2001 10:28 AM
Subject: Re: Resources clarification - is there a work around

Hi Peter.  Read the whole thread and you will see some good examples as to
why I want to do this.

I think I will end up doing some surgery on the struts classes.  I will
associate the page I am forwarding to with a properties file, maybe inside
the struts-config.  That will mean I will have to look at the dom
manipulation which gets the values and ad another group of items (the
associated properties file) to a hashtable or object. I will put the
properties files in the same directory as the jsp page but protected.  I
will try to protect all files that end in ".properties".

I would love to hear suggestions from Niall, Ted, Craig, Hal, Jeff, Nanduri,
Dave etc....

----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter Alfors" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2001 10:03 AM
Subject: Re: Resources clarification - is there a work around

> We are currently using two different resource bundles.  One for our
messages and
> another for our constants (that define
> web look and feel).  To do this, we overrode the init() method in the
> ActionServlet and added another method to initialize a second bundle into
> different session attribute.
> This works well for 2 different bundles, but it would not be practical for
> large number or bundles (one per page).
> Maybe there would be a way to initialize all of the page bundles at
> Some sort of loop or somethine?
> I don't have any suggestions on how this would work, but maybe it is a
> point??
> One supporting reason for a single bundle would be this...  It allows you
> easily keep consistent naming across your app.
> For instance, if each of your pages has the label "Id", but then later on
> (or the customer) decide that "Name" is a better choice, you only have to
> it in one place.  There are other situations as well, this is just one.
> Also, creating new locales is as simple as handing a single resource
bundle over
> to your translater, rather than 100 different bundles to duplicate.
> As for naming problems, there is a simple solution.  Use a naming strategy
> each key.
> <pageName>.<Key>=Value
> or
> common.<Key>=Value     <-- if this is common across all pages.
> HTH,
>     Pete
> Jonathan Asbell wrote:
> > Thanks Pete.  However it just seems strange that Struts just offers one
> > resource file for each Local.  I have developed 3 international sites,
and I
> > can safely say that when a set of resources are associated with a
> > page it is much easier to manage than 1 resources for all pages.  Has
> > hacked at the Struts code to get around this?  I dont like the
> > idea because it is too easy to have duplicates; and you probably want to
> > the same resource names anyway to keep a consistency.  Anyone else have
> > ideas?
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Peter Alfors" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 9:33 AM
> > Subject: Re: Resources clarification :^)
> >
> > > You could combine all of your property files during your build.
> > > This would allow you to have as many different property files as you
> > > want.
> > > However, you need to be careful that you do not have duplicate names
> > > across multiple files.
> > >
> > > HTH,
> > >     Pete
> > >
> > > Jonathan wrote:
> > >
> > > > Hello all.  It appears that the ActionServlet points to a resources
> > > > file, and not a ResourceBundle object. Is this true?  The reason is
> > > > that I would like to group in the same directory the following:1) a
> > > > particular ActionForm2) the Action class that works with that
> > > > ActionForm3) the resources (strings) that work with that
> > > > ActionForm The reason is that it is much easier to manage the
> > > > artifacts on a page by page basis.How can I do this
> > > > properly ThanksJonathan
> > >

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